787 (
Mexico, 1897, Mulitas, 50c purple, no gum, wide margins, Very Fine, one of the most elusive Mulitas issues, less than ten are known. Scott Nos. 277 $375.

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 2c green, error of color, o.g., well centered, deep color, Very Fine; with 2012 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott Nos. 280a $475.
Realized: $450

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 2¢ green, error of color, block of 4, brownish o.g., hinged at top, bottom never hinged, attractively centered, deep color, Very Fine, a very rare block; signed J.K. Bash and discoverer, with 2000 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott Nos. 280a $1,900 for hinged singles.

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 2c scarlet, perf 6, on Aguilitas 1c registered wrapper with an additional 1899, 10c Aguilitas (298) to make the rare 13c rate from Veracruz to Puebla, Very Fine, this wrapper contained cash (Billetes) and therefore was not a philatelic usage, probably a unique combined Mulitas + Aguilitas registered wrapper, the perf variety is rare. Scott Nos. 280b Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 4c orange, strip of five and irregular block of 5, the largest combination of such stamp known on cover on reverse of a cover from Tuxtla Gutierrez to Berlin, Germany, dated July 1900. paying the quadruple UPU international rate, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 282 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Mexico, 1899-1900, Mulitas registered postal cards to Europe, two cards; they paid the rare 13 and 14c rate, both mixed frankings with the Aguilitas issue, pristine condition, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 282, 248 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 5c ultramarine, block of four with plate "6" number, on cover with combination with 1900, 5c Aguilitas (297), registered from Nuevo Laredo to Hoosick Falls, N.Y. Blocks with the imprint of the plate # are very rare, and on cover almost non-existent, Very Fine, blocks with the imprint of the plate number are very rare, on cover almost non-existent. Scott Nos. 283 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 50c purple, with 1899, 15c Aguilitas (299) on a combination parcel box registered and with AR service from Mexico to Nova Scotia; box sideflaps missing and some light staining, F.-V.F., there are very few known covers or parcels with the 50c stamp, let alone on a combination item. Scott Nos. 288 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

795 (
Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 1p brown, with 1895, 10c lilac rose (248) on a diplomatic front from Mexico to Stockholm, Sweden dated 1898, there are probably 5-6 covers or wrappers with the $1 peso stamp (some are philatelic), this is particularly rare given its destination. Scott Nos. 289 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Lot 796
Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 10p deep blue, Sperati reproduction, town cancel, with Sperati handstamp and signature on reverse, Fine, very scarce.Scott Nos. 291F Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80