Mexico, Durango Stampless Cover Balance, of 80 covers arranged in binder, virtually all from sub-offices; includes scarce Canelas straight line in green (D25) with red "3" handstamp, Cerro Gordo straight line in red and black (D35), Cuencame fancy boxed handstamp in red and black (D45), red San Dimas boxed handstamp (D50) x2 showing two different "2" rate handstamps, Gavilanes (D56) in red and black, Guanacevi (D66) in black, red and green, fancy red Guichapa (D75) and Inde (D80), San Juan del Rio (D90) in red and black and D91 in red, Mapimi & Nazas straight lines, Muleros fancy in red (D120), early 1829 Nombre de Dios in red and later in black, Penon Blanco (D150), Parilla (D145), scarce Tamasula (D160), etc., also a section of five different official cachets and sixteen Sello Negro covers (no photo). Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $1,300
Mexico, 1856 Hidalgo Issue Durango Exhibit Collection Balance, housed on exhibit pages in binder; with Durango proper including issues ½r-4r including ½r with & without district overprints, 1r with multiples including scarce vertical strip of three and horiz strip of 4, also pair on cover, 2r issues including various district overprint orientations, shades including a so called apple green shade on cover, 4r with & without overprint off cover and on cover use, section of Durango mute grid cancel used on incoming mail with usages from Real de San Dimas, Cuencame, Papasquiaro, Gavilanes & Valle del Surchil off cover, on cover use from Mapimi, sub-districts with cancels including Catataln, scarce Canelas straight line tying 2r on cover front, Cerro Gordo with black & blue straight line handstamps on cover, Cuencame, Real de San Dimas, San Juan del Rio, Gavilanes with 1r on cover, Guichipa & Inde fancy handstamps on piece, scarce S.F. del Mesquital usage with 1r+2r combination, Mineral del Oro including 2r usage, Tamasula including only known multiple usage and rare on cover use, Topia with rare manuscript name postmark (listing example), etc., also includes 4r bisect usages from Durango & Guanacevi on cover and some others on piece; 4 certs accompany (no photo). Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $4,000
Mexico, 1856 Durango Sello Negro Cover Collection, of 12 covers on exhibit pages; includes usages from Durango (Schatzkes 234+237), Cerro Gordo (246AC) x2, Real de San Dimas (252A), Gavilanes (255), Guichapa (259+259C), very scarce San Juan de Guadalupe (263A+263B), Nazas (274) x2, mineral del Oro (278+279), Papasquiaro (280+281) and Penon Blanco (283A) (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $375
Mexico, 1861 Hidalgo Issue Durango Exhibit Collection Balance, housed on exhibit pages in binder; with Durango proper showing complete ½r-8r issues used, 1r & 2r plate cracks, couple covers including 4r use (tape stains), sub districts with on covers usages from San Juan del Rio (1r pair) and Nazas (2r), very scarce 4r usage from Papasquiaro, also two 4r bisect and four 8r quadrisect usages from Durango, some additional material including on piece and some reference material; 7 certs accompany (no photo). Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,700
Mexico, 1861 Durango Sello Negro Collection, of 12 covers on exhibit pages; includes usages from Durango (Schatzkes 234+237, 238 & 241F), Cuencame (249) x2, San Dimas (252A & two 252 with different rates), Gavilanes (256), Nazas (274), Mineral del Oro (278+279) and very scarce Tamazula (286) (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $290
Mexico, 1864 Eagle Issue Durango Exhibit Collection, housed in exhibit and stockpages in binder; includes a nice range of off cover stamps including six ½r issues from the 1st, 4th & 5th period and two 8r values (one mint and one used), others with an array of from the various periods showing the different Durango cancellations used as well as a nice section of sub-offices with town including Cerro Gordo (2), Cuencame (6), Gavilanes (5), Guichapa (2), Mapimi (3), Oro (1), Nazas (14), Papasquiaro (6), San Juan de Guadalupe (2) and San Juan del Rio (1), on cover items with Durango (4), Cuencame (2), Guichapa (1), Nazas (1), Papasquiaro (2), San Juan de Guadalupe (1) and scarce Santa Catalina (1), also a section of 2r bisects with covers from Cuencame & Nazas, on piece/front from Papasquiaro, Penon Blanco and Guichapa, some additional items including some Maximilian issues and a front for one of the delivery of Eagle stamps (no photo). Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $3,500
Mexico, 1868 Full Face Hidalgo Issue Durango Exhibit Collection, housed on display and stockpages in two binders, showing the wide range of issues, consignments and sub-district items; starting with main Durango issues showing various consignment numbers and the various thick & thin figure values up to the 50¢ value, includes a nice showing of on cover examples, then a similar showing for sub-offices including scarce Cerro Gord, Cuencame including 6c strip of 4 on cover, Gavilanes & Guanacevi, Guichapa with fancy large handstamp in 6c block of 4, etc., also includes a few 100c values, section of tipos, etc. (no photo). Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $2,300
Mexico, 1872 Hidalgo Issue Durango Exhibit Collection, nice showing of issues on exhibit and stock pages in two binders; includes a nice showing of Durango and sub-offices items on and off cover, includes few better items including 12c with La Croix watermark x2, nice 50c solo usage, interesting Inde Official cachet usage with 12c+50c combination usage (repaired), some other interesting sub-office items, also includes some reference material including a collection of the so-called "St. Louis" reproductions (no photo). Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $750
Mexico, Durango State Issue Balance, mix of material mostly in binders in large box; includes good section of 1874 issues including high values and some nice covers, 1879 issues and later with postmark study, useful Mulitas issues with some small town postmarks, similar Numeral issues, small group of early classics and some other miscellaneous items; inspect (no photo). Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,150