Manchukuo, 1941 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia to Murkden, incoming registered cover from Italian occupied Yugoslavia with Italy Hitler-Mussolini issue five color franking, Italian civil censor handstamps & resealing tape, Mukden receiver dated 28.8 (8), with four Manchukuo forwarding slips from Mukden to Shenyang and back again, last with manuscript "undelivered return to sender", "Inconnu" and "Retour" handstamps, British civil censor tape and accompanied by Form No. 113a stating the letter was found to be missing when the letter was opened, Trieste transit backstamp, Very Fine for this, a very unusual usage. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $425

Manchukuo, 1947 Firenze, Italy to Harbin, cover with Italian dual franking tied by "Firenze, 30.VIII.1947" machine postmark, with large box "Destination Inaccessibile, Return to Sender" on front, Hon Kong and Shenyang transit backstamps, returned to sender with Official Seals of Italy tied upon arrival by "Firenze 15.3.48" cds's, straight line "Giunta Lacera" handstamp on front (arrived torn), Very Fine for this, an interesting wartime mail restriction usage. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $210