Lot 3639
Dietz, A., Confederate States Catalog and Handbook, 1959, VF and extremely popular.Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $30
Lot 3640
Dietz, A., Postal Service of the Confederate States of America, 1929, hardbound ¼ leather Library Edition, 439pgs, signed by author; light use with minor spine end chip (much nice than normal).Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80
Lot 3641
Kaufmann, P. et al, Confederate States of America, Catalog and Handbook of Stamps and Postal History, 2012, 516 pages with slipcase, the new standard reference on Confederate States updating the 1986 Dietz edition, illustrated in color, signed Kaufmann, Crown & Palazolo, out of print; near new.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180
Lot 3642
Confederacy & Civil War Literature Balance, 11 handbooks, half a dozen monographs and a couple specialized auction sales; handbooks include 1929 Dietz Postal Service of the Confederate States of America (cover damage) and 1989 reprint, Brannon Organization of the Confederate Post Office Department at Montgomery, Crown The Turbulent Decade - Georgia's Post Offices 1860-1869 and Confederate Postal History, Hubbell Confederate Stamps, Old Letters and History, Harrison Prisoners' Mail from the American Civil War, Monroe A Lifetime of Collecting - Confederate States of America Postal History, Fuller Confederate Currency and Stamps.Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 3643
Confederacy & Civil War Related Literature Balance, four handbooks; Kaufman et al Confederate States of America, Catalog and Handbook of Stamps and Postal History, Dietz The Postal Service of the Confederate States of America (1989 reprint), Harrison Prisoner's Mail From the American Civil War, and Kantor Sanitary Fairs; all near new/minor use.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180
Lot 3644
Confederacy and Related Literature Group, of 8 publications and a dozen monographs; includes 1929 Dietz Postal Service of the CSA and Dietz "Hand-Book" (1945 & 1959), Wishnietsky Confederate Patriotic Covers and Their Usages, Weiss Confederate States General Issue Stamps Used on Adversity Covers 1861-1865 and Catalog of Union Civil War Patriotic Covers, Kimbrough & Bush Collector's Guide to Confederate Philately, Hubbel Confederate Stamps, Old Letters and History.Estimate $60 - 80.
Realized: $60
Lot 3645
CSA Literature, carton including deluxe CSA catalog, Weiss Patriotics, Walcott Patriotic catalog, 1986 Dietz, etc.; some worn condition.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150