Worldwide, Better Group, of 35 sets and singles on dealer cards with many cataloging several hundred or more; includes G.B. with 4 margin 1840 1d black and KEVII £1 used, mint Bermuda KGVI high values, good Mexico & Italy mint sets, similar Iceland, Greece Zepp set mint, etc.; owner's Scott cat totaling $8,977, condition varied confined to the used. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $1,050
Worldwide, Collection, 1840's - 1960, large mint & used collection in 26 albums (mainly Lindner), mainly 20th century, however some useful 19th century is included, wide range of countries and some interesting British Commonwealth, plus approximately $300 in US face material, mixed condition, please inspect. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $950
Worldwide, Cover Accumulation, dealer's old worldwide and U.S.A cover accumulation of over 1000 items, range from the nineteenth century to the 1960's or so, with Registered, Censored, Airmail, Underpaid, Special Delivery, Paquebot, Stationery and other more usual uses, mostly commercial uses with a sprinkling of topicals and FDC's and priced between $10-$50 with a few higher and a few lower, many smaller countries included in this grouping, huge variety of countries and usages, all are sleeved and priced with total retail values in excess of $20,000; generally Fine-Very Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,150
Worldwide, Collection, dealer's old worldwide and U.S.A cover accumulation of over 1000 items, range from the nineteenth century to the 1960's or so, with Registered, Censored, Airmail, Underpaid, Special Delivery, Paquebot, Stationery and other more usual uses, mostly commercial uses with a sprinkling of topicals and FDC's and priced between $10-$50 with a few higher and a few lower, many smaller countries included in this grouping, huge variety of countries and usages, all are sleeved and priced with total retail values in excess of $20,000; generally Fine-Very Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,250
Worldwide, Stock, substantial holding of many thousands mostly in glassines in four dealer boxes; sorted by country and catalog number, wide mix of countries from classics into the 1970's, with some modest duplication throughout, also additional stock in glassine and cards with some good mint; worth careful review. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $750
Worldwide, Accumulation, wide mix of many thousands in large box, including various country stocks on stockpages, useful to good British Commonwealth on album pages including African countries, lots of issues loose in glassines worth checking, old stockbooks, etc.; inspection may prove to be rewarding here. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,450
Worldwide, Dealer'S Old Worldwide and U.S. Cover Accumulation, of over 1000 items; ranging from the nineteenth century to the 1960's or so, includes Registered, Censored, Airmail, Underpaid, Special Delivery, Paquebot, Stationery and other more usual uses, mostly commercial uses with a sprinkling of topicals and FDC's and priced between $10-$50 with a few higher and a few lower, many smaller countries included in this grouping, huge variety of countries and usages, all are sleeved and priced with total retail values in excess of $20,000. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,400
Worldwide, Dealer's Old Worldwide and U.S. Cover Accumulation, of over 1000 items; ranging from the nineteenth century to the 1960's or so, includes Registered, Censored, Airmail, Underpaid, Special Delivery, Paquebot, Stationery and other more usual uses, mostly commercial uses with a sprinkling of topicals and FDC's and priced between $10-$50 with a few higher and a few lower, many smaller countries included in this grouping, huge variety of countries and usages, all are sleeved and priced with total retail values in excess of $20,000. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $900
Worldwide, Cover Accumulation, an interesting collection in of Worldwide covers and Postal Stationery, a variety of usages and frankings including censored covers, registered covers and many items addressed to South Africa, mixed condition, worth careful inspection, particularly as some rare Stationery may be lurking in this lot. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
Worldwide, - 7 large Kabe Stockbooks, with 1000's of stamps neatly arranged by country; Basically a collection of all different, mostly mint and mostly NH thru the 1960's; condition is uniformly especially nice with many NH, better, complete sets; inspection certain to reward. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,100