Lot 3504
Worldwide, Proof and Mint Coins, years long accumulation of large box full of sets and singles from all over the world - sure to have surprises!Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $650
Worldwide, Better Sets Accumulation, massive accumulation of better worldwide sets, singles, and even a few souvenir sheets, in all, there are over 500 items with a total catalog value of well over $100,000, most of the value is in items of $100+ catalog value, with a couple over $3000 (Tuscany #38, unused, CV $3800, with APS cert, and France lovely #21c pair, unused, large margins, $3000, with recent PF cert.) Over 30 other better items also have certs, most either PF or APS, strong in Europe, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, etc., but also includes British Commonwealth, Latin America, and other areas, ranges from 19th century up to mid-20th century, with many sets of the 1930-1040 period, including some mint n.h.; very little later issues, an ideal lot for show or online dealer. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $13,000
Worldwide, Postal History Collection, 1840-1900s, lot of 100s of sleeved and Scott identified covers in four medium boxes arranged from Abu Dhabi to Zululand including Canada, France, Great Britain and British Commonwealth, Germany and States, India, Italy and Offices, Portugal and Offices, Malaysia and States, etc, generally low to mid-range material but note some better including GB #1 on cover, Russia #8 on cover, Marshall Islands #3-4 on cover to Germany, Netherlands #1 on local cover, New Zealand #32 on cover from North Plymouth and second #32 from Wellington, Peru #14 (2) on cover, Puerto Rico #70 on cover to Germany, etc., many interesting items are included, worth close inspection. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
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Realized: $17,000
Worldwide, Better Covers, attractive group of several hundred better worldwide covers, from 19th century through mid-20th century. Includes early airmail and Zeppelin covers, strong Europe such as France, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, also British Commonwealth and other areas, dozens of covers have reasonable retail prices in the $100-$300 range and higher, with many more in the $50+ range, includes Australia BCOF set, Mexico #5d quadrisect with cert, France #241 Le Havre, also C1-2, couple Mulreadys, Czech Scout mail, Iceland Zepp, Austria #B1 10, Brazil Condor, Germany #593A-599 to Argentina, Liechtenstein Zepp, etc., also includes 50+ British Omnibus covers, including 25 Silver Jubilee (1935) and 25 Silver Wedding (1948); excellent lot with value for show or online cover dealer. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $7,500
Worldwide, Accumulation, somewhat haphazard mix of material mostly in various stockbooks with good material throughout; includes section of C.G.H. triangle issues, G.B. including 1840 1¢ blacks, Jammu & Kashmir including many covers, France imperfs and deluxe proofs, German post-war district overprints, Chile collection with better early classic study and including nice mixed issue franking on cover, France used classic stock, Austrian cancel study, good German States stamps and covers; careful inspect should prove rewarding. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,800

Worldwide, Unusual Collector's Mostly Inverted Centers, With Proofs, Errors, hundreds of mint in 2 stockbooks, and on hobby pages, strength in Latin America, mostly early 20th Century with Bolivia 1910 War of Independence Commemorative Issue, six items with centers inverted including 5c-20c set of three singles, mint n.h. (20c signed Stolow), also 10c imperf. proof with center inverted and displaced, block of four, l.h., with 1997 Moorhouse cert., 10c imperf. at bottom and at sides, l.h., and 20c imperf. horizontal pair, unused without gum; also a selection of seven varieties, including 5c-20c set of three imperf. horizontal pairs, 5c perf. and imperf. horizontal pairs with center omitted, 10c imperf. horizontal pair with center omitted, and 10c imperf. block of four with centers shifted upwards, inverts with Libya with #22b (4 copies), Liberia #O68 var. (3 copies), Lithuania with 1919 shifted and inverted overprints, Cameroon, Iran 1915 Imperial Crown Issue with inverted overprints, Nyassa inverts, Somali Coast inverted centers and/or imperfs, French Congo with 1900 5fr brown orange and gray, center and value inverted, l.h., v.f., signed Roumet, with 2007 Rendon cert. (YT 41e), and #48a l.h., very fine (YT 41a), cat. $750, Guatemala with #22a cat. $725, Haiti, Heligoland 4 different Leipzig private reprints with inverted centers, Liberia early and later inverts, etc., Libya with #53a n.h. block of 4 with cert., Montserrat 1979 15c Boy Scout postal card centered inverted, two cards, Nyassa 1901 Pictorials, 2½2r-300r complete set of Centers Inverted, Panama inverted centers, Paraguay 1922 Provisional Government, unissued Palace stamps, 1p-50p six values, center inverted, 4-5 of each (total of 28 stamps), most in se-tenant pairs with centers omitted, Bangladesh 1990 United Nations Conference, 10t blue inscriptions inverted, with green country name and value also shifted (cert), Peru #222a o.g. cat. $600, some with topical "cat" related, needs careful inspection, overall Very Fine, many scarce items, majority bought from auctions, ex-Freeman. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
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Realized: $3,250

Lot 3510
Worldwide, Fournier "Album de Fac-similés" Collection, original 1928 one volume collection of hundreds of items assembled by L'Union Philatélique de Genève, with title page number "No. 455", includes introduction pages from leading philatelist including Heinrich Kohler and Fred J. Melville, section on perforations including samples followed by hundreds of Fourier facsimile creations including overprints, cancels, many stamps in multiple and even sheet formats, section on surcharges and photostats of various items not included in the Fournier stock, with additional Fournier items on part Fournier album pages and in stockpages; 20 stamps removed with some pages with internal holes from removal, album with light cover wear.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,700
Worldwide, Collection, housed in 11 Scott International album with issues up to the the early 1960's; with the wide range of useful to some good issues including some classics, with Latin America, French Area with lots of mint, offices, etc., similar Portugal Area, German States, Italian Area and useful Greece with large Hermes heads, China with good early issues worth checking including large dragon, some treaty ports, other European & Asia represented, some useful British Comm.; lots of material here with possibly surprises, worth a look. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,250
Worldwide, Collection, mixed mint and used issues housed in 6 special leather bound Scott International Junior Edition album with issues to 1940; includes U.S. with mixed condition classics with better issues, mixed */o Banknotes with some good later, Columbians including used $1 and a few other good items, useful revenues, etc., foreign issues with much of the value in British Commonwealth issues with other useful to good other countries, includes good mint Aden and Ascension, Australia from better Roo's on including a used 5sh Sydney Harbor issue, well filled Austria, some useful to good German States and Portuguese Colonies, good mint Bahamas, */o Barbados, Bechuanaland with good high value, well filled Belgium, useful Latin America, British Guiana with early issues and better British Honduras, Canada with good mixed condition classics, */o dollar value Jubilees, etc., China including small dragon set, Great Britain from #1 on, useful Japan and French Colonies, etc.; lots of material, worth proper review. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $7,250
Worldwide, Collection, housed in four well filled Scott International albums; includes a little U.S. with manuscript canceled #1, Canada including mint Jubilees including 50¢ and some nice later used, strength in other British Commonwealth countries, strong showing of Portuguese, French & Italian colonies with some good sets, Latin American including a strong showing of Colombia state issues, strong French Offices worth checking, some good Scandinavia including Iceland, Russia with good airmails, etc.; lots of material, worth careful review. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $5,250