Mexico, Proofs & Freaks Group, 1920-30's, with almost 100 mostly mint stamps 1920’s-1930’s, 57 are rare proofs and sample stamps from the 1923 and 1934 issues, some have cancels from the Stamp Warehouse, 13 are imperfs, also included are freaks of the entrega inmediata 1934 issue. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Mexico, 20th Century Cover Hoard, large box filled with at least several thousand covers; mostly usages from the 1930-90's much going to California with Exporta issues, 1990's material with a range of meter mail from various districts, some earlier airmail usages from the 1930-40's, etc., excellent array of usages and frankings; worth a look. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425
Mexico, Varieties Group, 1920-60's, with 134 mostly mint stamps 1920’s- 1960’s with varieties, errors, color omitted, fluorescence and proofs, there is a highly specialized group of errors and perforation varieties of the 1966 UNESCO stamp. Estimate $200 - 300.
Mexico, Variety Group, 1920-40's, six stamps: 1p printed frame on back (Sc 719v), Servicio Aereo double overprint (Sc C118v), 3c perf 12 (Sc 620: $200), 1c imperforate pair (Sc 837a $150) and the very elusive 5c used SECRETARIA watermark (Sc 733 B $250). Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180
Mexico, Centenario Re-Issue Postal History Collection, 1921-24, an extraordinary group of 44 covers + 14 postal cards; all the denominations from 1c-20c are included, the re-issue was very brief (1921-1924) andcan only be detected by the cancels; a very rare group which took years to assemble, excellent for a one frame exhibit.
Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Mexico, Modern Mint Hoard, large holding from singles, souvenir sheets and full sheets housed in binders, stockpages, dealer cards, glassines, etc., filling two large boxes; issues from 1940's with lots of souvenir sheets in quantities to the 1990's include noting some of the 1990 Chicagopex booklets, some early commemorative sheets; lots of material, worth careful evaluation. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $200
Mexico, Airmail Collection, extensive collection/stock with an array of issues housed in 7 albums/binders; starting with regular airmail issues from #C1 mint and used & #C2 with watermark varieties, later 1920's issues mostly mint with some duplication and variety including gutter pairs and multiples, 1930's issues with a nice showing of Habiltado overprint issues and later surcharges, including some 1932 imperf pairs (missing one for complete set), again with watermark position varieties sometimes noted, #C31a with pairs and blocks, also a "Muestra" overprint single, #C39a and a C39 with black instead of red overprint (essay?), #C45a pairs and block including missing dot under Cents surcharge variety in pair, also a Muestra single, some lower values University issues mint, selection of 1934 "Eagleman" essays, later issues with many gutters, etc., airmail official issues including #C1-C1a in pair, CO11b x2, 1931 surcharge including good #CO16a & CO16b, #CO21 mint, #CO30 mint & used, etc., lesser to some good value issues with multiples, sheets and a substantial stock of mostly mint issues with some slightly heavy duplication at times, couple other useful collections with some good sets, etc.; lots of material, worth careful review. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $625
Lot 3444
Mexico, Porte De Mar Collection and Reference Materials, this study starts with the JX 1-8 Spiro, Termini Type 1 complete set, the J9-19, Type 2 present in multiples and forgeries, blocks of Type forgery B, 2-100 centavos are present, unusual sheet of 63 stamps, Termini E, with center "square" is rarely seen, JX 26-31 examples of genuine and forgeries are also included, as well as 6 different sheets of these, total number of stamps present is more than 350, includes literature for references.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,300
Mexico, Official Cover Group, 1884-94, of 6 covers and fronts; Scott O2 Brown cut to shape: Front from San Juan Batista (Taylor TAB 17/9) to Finance Minister of Mexico with large cachet "Supreme Government of the Free and Sovereign State of Tabasco" dated February 20, 1888, Scott O3 Orange: A registered letter with R markings on each corner, from Tepic (Taylor TEP 24/11) dated July 18,1887 with receiving mark on reverse of Santiago Ixcuentla (TEP 22/3), Scott O3 Orange: A front reduced on sides with Campeche cancel(Taylor 4/5), Scott O3 Orange: A certified cover with mute corner markings, dated August 9,1887 from Tepic (Taylor TEP 24/11) cancel to Mexico (Mexico Despacho markings), with Tepic Official cachet lower left corner. #O3 Official front Tepic (Taylor TEP 24/11) to Ahuacatlan,Tepic registered, dated July 15,1887. Back stamped AGENCIA DEL CORREO AHUACATLAN, OFF 4 (from Postal Stationary of Mexico Catalogue): Official Postal stationary front with Hildalgo Medallion frank, from Mexico to Monterrey (Taylor NL 30/13), dated March 20, 1886, used as Judicial mail & Scott O9 Blue: Official mail cover slightly reduce at left edge, from the railroad inspector in Linares, NL to a private citizen (this is an unusual usage for Official mail to not be addressed to a government entity), in Galena, NL. It is dated November 24, 1894. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $425
Mexico, Cerrado Y Sellado (Post Office Seals) Collection, 1885-2000's, with main exhibit collection housed on pages and cover & seal stock in stockbook; exhibit collection identifying the various seals including 1885 & 1899 tete-beches, shades, multiples, covers starting from the 1892 issue, a rare ca. 1889 Celaya seal tied on piece, 1896 with many couple cover usages, many later with */o examples as well as various covers, section of 1905-15 Department of Deal Letter Seals including 1905 proof and seven on cover usages, stock well filled with some slightly heavy duplication at times and dotted with various covers, also includes a collection of the sunburst registry seals; a nice collection for the specialist. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,200