Barbados, Collection, 1852-1971, well formed mint on album pages; starting with good to better Britannia issue with first issue complete, following (½d) deep green & 1sh black imperfs, also the various perf issues missing mostly the rare issues, includes a fresh o.g. 1873 5sh high value, completion in later issues including 1882 QV definitives, all Badge & Seal of Colony issues present, etc., also complete Barbuda set; couple early issues with certs, nice fresh material throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,600
Belgium, Collection, 1865-1969, interesting collection on pages; includes souvenir sheets 1924 Philatelic Exhibition (#171), 1930 Antwerp Exhibition (#221), etc.; much of the mint is never hinged (going back to 1930's); inspect for value. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160
Bermuda, Collection, 1865-1971, mint issues on album pages, with only half a dozen lacking for completion with many additional shade varieties; with 1865 & 1882 QV issues lacking only the rare 6d brown lilac for completion, no rare 1874 & 1875 surcharges but complete thereon including all the Ship and KGV related issues, etc.; nice fresh material throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $900
Bhutan, Cover Group, 1960-80's, of over 25 items; with commercial overseas to London, with 30 different issue represented including Coin and hologram issues; condition varies. Estimate $150 - 200.
Brazil, Group, includes a selection of mostly used stamps from 1844 issues on stockpages, some covers and mostly mint postal stationery; stamps including 1844 30r-90r issues, nice 1850 issues to the 600r including a mint o.g. 600r, 1861 280r issues including mint o.g. and two nice used examples, later 19th century issues showing a nice cancellation study, covers including a 1866 100r+200r combination cover to N.Y., nice assortment of stationery including entires and cards worth checking. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $675
British Africa, Collection, clean and pleasing mostly mint o.g. collection in a Scott Specialty album, 19th Century generally used and 20th Century to early 1950s mostly mint incl Ascension Scott #1-60, Basutoland #1-56, Bechuanaland #96-152, Cape of Good Hope #71, Gambia #12-27, 19a, 70-96, 102-67, Gold Coast #108-60, KUT #46-59, 66-99, Mauritius #204-49, Niger Coast #1-6, Nigeria #12, 12a, 38-49, No. Rhodesia #1-17, 18-53, Nyasaland #38-94, St. Helena #79-87, 89, 92-93, 96-98, 101-52, Seychelles #125-71, Sierra Leone #140-52, 166-93, Somaliland #77-126, So. Rhodesia #1-14, 16-30, SWA #85-105, 108-70, B1-11, C1-6, Swaziland #10-53, So. Africa #B1-8, many complete sets throughout, owner's Scott $15K+, Fine to Very Fine or better. Estimate $1,500 - 2,500.
Realized: $3,000
British Africa, Collection, predominately mint issues housed in three Scott albums with many better singles and sets throughout; starting with Ascension with complete first issues, 1939 specimen set and some good later, Bastoland with complete first issues and good 1960's surcharges, Bechuanaland including 1932 set, strong completion in Gambia including King definitive sets and good additional varieties, 1922-29 regular and scarce specimen sets, Gold Coast with 1898 QV definitive set and complete KEVII definitive sets with some good later issues, K.U.T. with 1921 KGV definitives to the 5sh and 1922 definitives to the 10sh with additional $5 & $20 specimens, 1935 Views with specimen set, etc., Lagos with 1904 KEVII second definitives complete, Mauritius with later mint QV issues, 1910 KEVII specimen set complete and 1922 KGV definitives complete mint, useful to good Natal issues, Southern Nigeria with 1904 KEVII definitives and 1912 KGV definitives complete, Nigeria near complete to 1946 with KGV definitives including additional shades, dies, specimens and blocks, Northern Nigeria with 1902 & 1910 KEVII definitives complete, 1912 KGV definitives complete, the 1925 KGV set complete with additional scarce specimen set missing only the 2sh6d & 3sh values, B.C.A. with 1891-95 issues to the 10sh, some good later Coat of Arms issues including a 1896 £10 specimen, 1903 £1 KEVII high value, etc., Nyasaland Protectorate with 1908 KEVII 10sh & £1 high values, 1913 KGV definitives to the £1 with additional shades and a £10 specimen, 1921 KGV definitives complete including additional 10sh break in scroll variety, 1934 specimen set, etc., Rhodesia & Nyasaland with a number of Waterlow proof blocks from the 1954 QEII issue, St. Helena with 1922-23 KGV Badge issue complete to the 10sh with additional shades and cleft rock varieties, 1934 Views complete with additional specimen set, Seychelles with 1890 QV first issue specimen set, 1893 3¢ surcharge double variety, 1900 definitives complete and issues from 1902 to 1937 complete with additional shades, Sierra Leone with scarce early specimens, 1895-97 QV definitives complete, 1903 & 1904 KGV sets complete with additional 1903 specimen set, 1912 KGV issue complete to the £1, 1932 KGV set complete with additional specimen set, etc., Somaliland Protectorate with 1904-09 KEVII & 1921 KGV definitives complete, South Africa with 1913 KGV definitives to the 5sh and the £1 value, with some good later issues and back-of-the-book, good S.W.A. & Sudan issues, Tanganyika with 1926 KGV definitives complete, Togo with 1916 KGV definitives complete, Zanzibar with 1895 2r-5r QV high values, 1895 QV overprint issue complete, 1899 Sultan issue complete, 1904 Monogram issue complete, 1908 high value specimens, Zululand with first issues complete, etc.; with nice fresh material throughout, inspection highly recommended. Estimate $6,000 - 8,000.
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Realized: $11,000
British Africa, Accumulation, dozens of mint and used issues identified in glassines and old auction pages; includes good Mauritius with QV 1d Post Paid issues in the worn to latest period impressions, a rare 2d Lapirot issue and various Dardenne issues, mix of some good Britannia issues and later, also a nice showing of St. Helena worth checking, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Gambia early issues with variety, some Ascension, etc.; examination should prove rewarding. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,900
British America, Collection, housed on pages in two Scott albums, with issues through the 1960's; with Antigua including some good early QV issues, 1900's Badge issues and complete King definitives, Bahamas with a selection of early issues, 1884 QV definitives complete, 1902 KEVII definitives including £1 value mint and used, 1912 KGV definitives regular and specimen set, 1921 KGV & View complete with some shades, back-of-the-book, etc., Barbados with 1892-97 Seal issues complete with later Seal and Monuments completion including specimen, Barbuda complete regular and specimen, Bermuda with a nice showing of early QV issues, with good later completion including additional blocks, B.A.T. complete issues, nice representation in British Guiana including good officials, good early British Honduras, some completion in King definitives with additional specimens, Cayman Islands with strong completion in KEVII definitives including the scarce 1907 ½d & 1d surcharge issues, 1921 KGV regular and scarce specimen sets, scarce 1932 regular & specimen sets, etc., Dominica with complete issues between 1903 and 1933 with additional specimens including sets, Falkland Islands with strong QV isuses including later high values with additional specimens, 1929 Penguin set, 1933 Centenary issues complete to the 2s6d, etc., Grenada with some early QV's mostly used, later issues including 1895-99 issue complete, 1902 KEVII specimen set complete, 1913 & 1921-29 KGV definitives complete mint, 1934 Views specimen set, postage dues with better issue, etc., Jamaica with early used and better later mint, selection of good 1905-09 definitives, some later mint completion including 1921-23 View including good 1½d re-entry variety, back-of-the-book including semi-postal specimen set, strong mint Leeward Islands including first issue & Jubilee sets complete, near complete King definitive sets with some good variety, Montserrat with unused 1884 4d (regummed) and later King issues mostly complete mint, 1932 specimen set, etc., near complete St. Kitts-Nevis issues including specimen sets, St. Lucia from good later QV definitives to good King sets, similar St. Vincent, better Trinidad and Trinidad & Tobago, Turks Islands with a few early issue and good later mint sets, Virgin Islands with later QV & King definitives mint; nice material throughout. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
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Realized: $10,000
British America, Collection 1866-1950s, mostly 20th Century clean and fresh mint collection in a Scott Specialty album, highlights including. Antigua Scott #7 and 11, 67-76, Bahamas #84-156, Barbados #90-112, 116-71, 173-233, Barbuda #1-11, Bermuda #3, 14, 54-60, 67-69, 71-79, 97, 100-41, British Guiana #178-89, 205-51, British Honduras #108-42, Cayman Is. #8-12, 30, 69-80, 81-134, Dominica #1, 55-63, 65-112, 114-40, Falkland Is. #3-4, 8, 20-40, 54-64, 77-120, Dependencies #1L1-17, 2L1-5L8, Grenada #68-76, 114-69, Jamaica #14-15, MR5/5b pair, Leeward Is. #96-131, Montserrat #12-21 and 43-126, St. Kitts-Nevis #72-118, St. Lucia #21, 64-75, 91-155, St. Vincent #89 specimen, 90-103, 134-84, Trinidad & Tobago #21-71, J5-8, Turks & Caicos # 36.57, 71-117 and Virgin Is. #1-5, 10-28, 69-113, also 6 and 8 used, owner's Scott $23K, outstanding fresh collection with full sets throughout, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,500