Lot 3166 //o
Iran, Exceptional Mint Holding of Key Sets, 1879-1956, only better mint sets all on original auction lot sheets or on pages including Parcel Post on Persiphila album pages. Highlights include Scott numbers 27-30 $140., 41-46 $1185., 43 $50., 44 $85., 50-52 $1500., 1880's Paris Lion issue reprints (7) sheetlets of 310, 73-151 complete for period $2916., 667//679 $146., 725-734 plus 740-743 $479., 760-770 $383., 870A-870H sheetlets of four include (8) perf $360., plus (10) imperf with lr violet and 2r orange $1500.,915-930 $697., 950-965 plus 975-977 Blocks of four some w/o gum $1438., 999-1014 $1080., 1023-1036 Blocks of four n.h. $1968, Q36-Q46 n.h. $150., Q51-Q57 $230., Q58-Q65 $182., plus more. A wonderful holding perfect for online sales or to acquire many key sets for your collection. Condition is overall F. - V.F. or better with a few faults on earlier issues. High Scott value., ex-Windsor.Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Realized: $3,750
Lot 3167 //o
Iran, Interesting Group of Inverted Centers & Varieties, 1911-1915, a selection of interesting and scarce varieties including a used pair of the 1911 1sh Ahmad Shah Imperf between which is unrecorded, a block of six of the 2sh "Mehrabi" imperf horizontally, 5kr green imperf at top, 3sh 1915 Coronation with center inverted, plus "1922 Controle" overprint inverted on 1sh Ahmad Shah issue. In addition the 1915 Coronation issue 5 values centers inverted and 3 values printed on both sides. A great addition to your collection or for resale online of very unusual errors., ex-Windsor.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Lot 3168
Italian Area, Eclectic Mint Accumulation plus 19th Century Covers, 1860-1966, an interesting lot to add something different to your stock or collection. Includes about 180 large mint blocks and full sheets plus (6) 19th century Italian states covers housed all on hingeless pages in a thick binder. A few highlights include by Scott numbers: Italy D4-D8 (corner blocks of 8) $1,776., E3-E4 (Top margin blocks of 30) $840., Italian Colonies C1-C6 (25 mainly in blocks plus C28 (block of (9) $1,727., Aegean Island C14 (block of 20) $950., Rhodes 55-63 (40 sets in blocks) $1,600., plus much more. Too many mint blocks to list all so please view to fully appreciate. Quality is excellent, looks n.h. except for the covers. Very high Scott and huge Sassone values.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $2,600
Lot 3169 /
Italian Area, Monumental 98% Mint Collection, 1862-1999, in four large binders with all stamps neatly black mounted on album pages, an extraordinary collection of mint from powerful classics and highly comprehensive modern including errors, to many valuable and difficult to obtain sets from the colonies and other areas. Consider the following mint for example: Italy #20-21,24-26,37-40, 42-44, 45-51, 52-57, 58-63, 64-66, 67-72, 76-91, 111-112, 115-116, 117-118, 142A-42D, 201-210, 248-256, 268-279, 280-289, 290-305, 324-328, 331-341, 345-348, 349-354, 359-366, 367-376, 377-386, 477, 495-506, B17-19, B30-33, C3-9, E1-5, E9, E11, J25-27, P1, Q7-19, and others. Regarding certificates there are indeed some here, such as a mint 36 with o.g. (cat $4,400.) and #54, also o.g. (cat $2,350.). Some terrific used sets too, for example 17-20, C42-47, C62-65, C95-99, and the issues of 1901-1922 with advertising labels. The modern era is highly complete with scores of shifted perf and color varieties, virtually all of them with certificates, such as the following Sassone #'s: 1458a, 1459b, 1461c, 1461f, 1462a (block of four of the shifted head variety, these errors alone total €80,000. In Sassone catalogue value), 1537a, 1540b, 1541Aa, 1541Ab, 1546c, and many more. Other areas include Offices in Turkey (Janina) used 11 (on piece), 12 and in Salonika, mint 1-8, Eritrea (1892-1934) with mint 1-11, 47, 119-128, 168-174, B4,B12-32, C7-16, CB1-10, J1-9, J10a, J14, J15-27, Fiume (1918-1924) with mint 27-43, 172-83, B4-15, J1-12, and used 98, 100-103, 149-158, E4-5, Italian Colonies (1932-1934) with mint C13-19, C20-28, C29-35, Italian East Africa (1938-1941) with mint C1-11,C18, San Marino (1877-1932) with mint 4, 15-17, 23-24, 134-138, 139-142, 143-150, Somalia (1906-1926) with mint J1-11 (cat $5,500. High values signed), J12-22a, J2a-21a, J31-41, Q1-9, Q10-15, a highly specialized collection of Trieste Zone A (1947-1954) with gum and paper varieties, inscription blocks and gutter pairs, with mint 1-17, 18-29, 41, 58-69, 109-110, C1-6, C13-16, J7-15, J16-29, and Trieste Zone B with mint 3a, 51-65, 65a, 93-104, C17a, RA1, occupied areas, for example, the occupation of Ljubljana N1-17, and the Yugoslavia occupation of Istria, Sassone #22-36 (3 values with certificate), and a nearly complete mint run of all of the Aegean Islands (1912-1941). A collection to treasure, yet still room for expansion. Overall Fine to Very Fine., ex-Windsor.Estimate $20,000 - 30,000.
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Lot 3170 /o
Italian States, Mainly High-Quality Collection, 1852-1869, a wonderful collection of primarily individual auction lots or retail purchases of dozens of better stamps mainly mint many are signed or have certificates, much of the mint has o.g. and most imperfs are four margins. A truly superior holding with Scott values up to $3900. and Sassone up to $12,000. Euros each. Includes mint Sicily, Neapolitan Provinces Parma, Sardinia and the Roman States also has a used group. As always, a few faults but the vast majority are sound and still on the original lot sheets. Well worth viewing and ready for resale as most are described and Scott numbered. Very high Scott and much higher Sassone pricing., ex-Windsor.Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $2,300
Lot 3171 o
Italy, A Solid Comprehensive Used Collection, 1862-1975, a collection containing hundreds of used singles & sets all housed in a Scott Specialty album with many items more difficult to obtain used than mint. Among the better items by Scott are #20 (on piece), 22, 33(2) plus a lovely used pair, 51, 52-57, 58-63, 64-66, 72(2), 115-116, 117-118, 119-122, 124-125, 130-132, 140-142, 147a double surcharge of type 1 with Diena certificate, 143-146, 165, 169-170 used no gum, 183, 196, 208, 331-341, 354, 364, 367-376, 386, 518, 538-539, 574-576, B17-B19, B26-B29, B35-B38, C9, C42-C47, C73-C78, D11, E7, E12, J1-J2, J21-J24, O1-O8, P1, Q1-Q6, plus Italian Areas such as Aegean Islands, Calchi 17-26, Rhodes J1-J9, and Simi 17-21, Lombardy-Venetia 5-6, PR2, Eritrea C1-C6, J6-J9 and J11a. Also noted are Cyrenaica, Fiume and more. Condition varies a bit with some faults mainly on earlier issues but the majority are Fine to Very fine. Loaded with scarce singles & sets into the many hundreds of dollars each. Check this lot out.Estimate $3,500 - 5,000.
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Lot 3172
Italian Occupation of the Aegean Islands, All Mint Collection, 1912-1932, astonishing collection with a virtually complete first issue for all the Aegean Islands, all in clear mounts on album pages, and a nearly complete set of the Garibaldi issue for most islands missing only the island of Coo (Kos). By the numbers are the following: General Issue for the Aegeans #1-2, Calchi #10, 17-26, Calino #11, 17-26, Caso #10, 17-26, Coo #1-8, Lero #1-8, 10, 17-26, Lisso #10, 17-26, Nisiro #4-5, 9-10, 17-26, Patmo #5, 9-10, 17-26, Piscopi #1-8, 10, 17-26, Rhodes #1-12, 14, Scarpanto #1-10, 17-26, Simi #1-10, 17-26, Stampalia #1-10, 17-26, generally Fine to Very Fine.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Lot 3173 /
Italian Occupation of Rhodes, Exceptional Mint Holding, 1912-1944, rarely is a collection this complete with much in n.h. blocks and singles ever offered this comprehensive and in such high quality. A few lightly hinged singles but the vast majority of this holding is in blocks of four and larger. A few mint highlights include, all Scott numbers: #10, 15-18 (2), 19-23, 24-28 (4), 43-44, 45-54 lovely set of Blocks of 4 plus 3 additional sets of singles, 64-71 (31) total stamps mainly in Blocks, 72 (21) again mainly in n.h. blocks, B17-B18 (14), EB1-EB2 corner blocks of 4, J1-J9 in blocks of 8, Q1-Q11 (15 pairs in large blocks), plus more. Mounted on Vario pages this lot should be viewed to fully appreciate the depth and quality. Scott value is over $19,000 and Sassone is much higher. All is Fine to Very Fine or better with few if any faults.Estimate $3,500 - 5,000.
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Lot 3174 /o
Eritrea, High-End Specialized Collection, 1874-1941, collection on pages, with Italian stamps overprinted "Estero" canceled "Baia di Assab" (two different, with Boteach certificates), Italian stamps canceled "3840" and "3862" (Assab and Massawa), Italian stamps used on covers from Massay to Bologna, one registered, later Italian definitives used in Abyssinia, Eritrea overprints, issues mostly complete, with 1892-1928 (1-46), later sets complete, with Manzoni, perforation varieties and occasional errors ("Epitrea" for "Eritrea" plus others), Semi-Postals, Air Post, Air Post Officials, including "Coronchina" (CB01, signed Diena), Special Delivery, 1941 AO1 set of two (sass. 1-2), Postal Dues, Parcel Post, Vaglia, etc., Fine to Very Fine with few faults, some certificates included, high catalogue value.Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Lot 3175 /
Italian Africa, A High End Comprehensive Mainly Mint Collection, 1892-1950, extensive collection of mostly mint two Palo albums, each of the various countries highly complete with numerous $100.+ catalog value sets and singles highlighted by Italian Colonies 23-41 n.h., 46-50 mint, C13-27 n.h., C29-35 mint, Cyrenaica 1-10 mint, 16 n.h. (signed A Diena), 17-64 mint (some n.h.), B1-33 mint, C1-11 mint, C12-29 n.h., CB1 - 10 n.h., 1950 Warrior n.h. and used, Eritrea 1-5 mint, 19-27 mint (50¢ signed A Diena), 45 mint, 54-104 mint, 106-07 mint (each signed Zumstein), 109-57 mint, 158-67 n.h., 175-80 n.h., B1-37 mint, C1-6 n.h., CB1-10 n.h., E1-8 mint, J1-10 mint, J3a mint, Q8 mint, Q9-212 mint, Q22 n.h. (signed A Diena), Q24 n.h. (signed A Diena), Q30 n.h.(signed A Diena), Italian East Africa 1-33 n.h. C1-13 n.h., Libya 14 mint, 15 used, 52a mint, 58a mint, 60 used, 60a used (signed A Diena), 61 used, 62-63 n.h., 64A-G n.h. 77-101 used, B1-60 mint (most n.h. including B38-60), B48-54 used, C1-2 used, C3-24 n.h., CE1-2 n.h., E1-11 used, E1-12 mint, Q14-24 mint, Oltre Giuba 1-20 mint, J9-10 mint, Somalia 1 mint, 18-27 mint, 40-82 mint, 93-96 mint, 100-37 mint, 156-69 mint B1-51 mint, CB1-10 n.h., E1-7 mint, E7a n.h., J23-54 mint, Q1-9 mint (50¢ signed Champion), Q16-24 mint, Tripolitania 1-16 mint, 20-78 mint (some n.h.), B1-58 mint (most n.h. including B50-53), C1-20 n.h., C27-32 n.h., C43-48 n.h., CB1-10 n.h., etc. some trivial gum toning on a handful of issues but far better condition than usually seen, overall fresh and F. - V.F. a real pleasure to view., ex-Windsor.Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $9,500