1954-61 Liberty Matched Plate Collection, ½¢-$5, more than 4200 plate blocks with 4-420 each of 32 different Scott numbers including wet and dry printings, all denominations represented, many matched sets present including $5 Hamilton, also 8¢ Liberty Scott #1041 (329) and 1041B (99) flat and rotary printings cat. by Durland, other highlights including 1031 (420), 1033 (270), 1035 (370), 1036 (415), 1046 (73), 1047 (96), 1048 (90), 1049/1049a (51), 1050/1050a (42), 1051/1051a (32) and 1052/1052a (9), all in glassines or on black cards in two red boxes, owner's Scott $5600 plus Durland $2000 total cat. $7600+, Fine to Very Fine or better. Estimate $800 - 1,200.
Realized: $800
1954 8¢ Liberty Specialized Plate Block Collection, 348 plate blocks virtually all NH in mounts on black quadrille pages in two binders, including all 10 combinations of the rotary press printing (Scott #1041B) and 53 of 54 combinations of the Flat Plate printing #1041 in matched sets of four positions (missing only the rare 24915/24920), also including two complete matched sets of the Giori Press 1958 printing (#1042) all 12 plates, owner's 2020 Durland $2500+, a rare opportunity to obtain this popular set, generally Fine o Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500
1903-32 Booklet Pane Collection/Accumulation, outstanding group of more than 400 panes (21 different Scott numbers) arranged on black cards and in glassines in a red box, emphasis on plate number panes with much NH and a variety of plate numbers, some as many as 50 or more, o.g. plate number panes including Scott #319p, 332a, 375a (2), 406a (10), 424d (13), 425a (8), 463a (11), 498e (22), 499e (55), 583a part plate number (5), 720b part plate number (11), NH panes 332a, 405b (2), 424d (14 plus 14 with/plate numbers), 463 (1) plus one with/plate number, 498c (47 with plate numbers), 499e (41 with plate numbers), 501b, 502b (1) plus one with plate number, 554c (8 with/plate numbers), 583a (1) plus one with/plate number, 720b (14 with part plate numbers), owner's Scott $10,300+, Fine to Very Fine or better. Estimate $1,500 - 2,500.
Realized: $1,100
1908-13 Specialized Booklet Pane Group, more than 100 mostly mint NH on black stock cards or in glassines, including Scott #319n (missing tab), 331a, 406a (2), plate number panes 405b, 406a (3), 424d (23), 425e (4), also used panes 405b (5), and 424d (39), owner's Scott $4K+, worthwhile, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $400 - 500.
Realized: $475
1916-32 Specialized Booklet Pane Accumulation, more than 800, mostly mint NH in glassines ranging from Scott #462a//720b in a red box, including Scott #462a (9), 463a, 498e (133), 499e (25), 501b, 502b, 552a (17), 554c (35), 583a (2), 632a (13) etc., also plate number panes #462a (2), 463a (3), 498e (204), 499e (62), 501b, 502b (7), 552a (18), 554c (53) and others, owner's Scott $9800+, great specialist lot, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $1,000 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,200
1917-85 Booklet "Unexploded" Collection/Accumulation, lovely group of 250+ booklets 44 different) arranged in glassines in a red box, including Scott #BK56//144, some with part plate numbers and quantities up to 32 each, highlights including BK56 (2), BK68 (2), BK81 (4), BK86, BK107 (9), BK140B (5) etc., also booklets with part plate numbers BK86, BK102 (18), BK103 (32), BK104-5 (5 each), BK109 (25), BK110 (5), BK111, BK112 (2), BK113 (19) etc., owner's Scott $5200+, well worth inspection, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $900
1928-90 Specialized Booklet Pane Accumulation, more than 900 mint NH booklet panes, from 1-162 each of 60 different, including 804b//2474b, also C10a//C79a, WS76, neatly identified in glassines in a file box, highlights including partial plate number panes throughout especially on 1¢-3¢ Prexie panes (with emphasis on 3¢ Jefferson), other electric-eye markings etc., also six mint NH C10a Lindbergh in various positions, owner's Scott $5600+, outstanding lot for the specialist, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $800 - 1,200.
Realized: $850
Modern Unexploded Booklet Accumulation, accumulation of over 200 various booklets from mid to late 20th Century, face value $930, generally Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 500.
Realized: $500
1938 6¢ Eagle Air, Specialized Matched Plate Collection, more than 1500 different plate number combinations and positions in blocks of four and a few blocks of 10 with and without arrows, and with vertical guideline types 1-5 all represented, all arranged on black pages in five binders plus a folder of additional pages, many scarce plate combinations present! virtually all NH, owner's Scott $10,500++, a wonderful opportunity for the specialist, Fine to Very Fine or better. Scott Nos. C23 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,500
1938 6¢ Eagle Airmail Plate Block Study, more than 1000 plate number combinations and positions with and without Arrows plus line marking types, virtually all NH on cards or in glassines in two red boxes, owner's Scott $7300+, amazing assemblage, specialist's dream lot, Fine to Very Fine or better throughout. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $1,450