1932-34 Plate Block Accumulation, more than 1150 virtually all NH in quantities of 8-249 each of 39 different between Scott #704//750, mostly in matched sets with a great selection of plate numbers and positions, including ½¢-10¢ Washington Bicentennial issues #704 (10), 705 (108), 706 (32), 707 (249), 708 (49), 709 (16) and 710 (16), 711 (8), 712 (15), 713 (8), 714 (8) and 715 (15), also 716 (35), 719 (15), 724 (36), 725 (36), 726 (32 plus 16 "CS" plate blocks of 8), 734 (8), 736 (24), National Parks 740-49 (11-25 each) and others, owner's Scott $12,300+, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
1932 3¢ Washington, Specialized Plate Block Collection, nearly a complete matched set of 805 of 824 possible plate numbers and positions arranged on pages in a binder, much NH throughout, better plate numbers including 20961, 20981, 21772 and 21773 (matched sets of four positions each), plus 20984 (two positions), Fine to Very Fine or better. Scott Nos. 720 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
1933-35 Better Grade Plate Blocks, accumulation of more than 1000 virtually all NH from 1-329 each of 36 different between Scott #726//765 on stock cards or in glassines in a red box collected for plate numbers and positions, highlights including Scott #726 (39) plus 58 "CS" plate blocks of ten, 727 (91), 733 (34), 734 (49), 738 (65), 739 (329), 740-49 1¢-10¢ Parks (5-10 each), 756-65 imperf Parks (5-26 each), owner's Scott $10,870, generally Very Fine or better throughout. Estimate $1,000 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,000
1935 Farley Imperf Accumulation, substantial accumulation/stock neatly arranged in Scott numbered glassines in a red box (all NGAI), feat. Park plate blocks (Scott #756-65), approx. 4-21 each, two sets of centerline blocks (plus additional centerline blocks) also Parks singles, blocks, Arrow blocks, line pairs and blocks in quantities to 700 or more of each denomination, 766a-70a souvenir sheet singles, gutter pairs and blocks, and #771 in quantities up to 100+ each, owner's Scott $13,800+, generally Very Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,500
1935-37 Plate Block Accumulation, group of 600 virtually all NH in quantities of 8-36 each of 41 different between Scott #752//802 on black stock cards or in glassines, mostly all in matched sets with nice selection of plate numbers and positions, highlights including Farley special printings Scott #752-55 (8-11 each), 756-65 imperf Parks (9-12 each), 771 (11), also 772-77, 782-96, 798-802 (8-24 each), all complete matched sets! owner's Scott $5300, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $800
1938 ½¢-$1 Presidential Plate Blocks, collection of more than 5400 NH Pre-Eye and Eye plates in glassines in three red boxes (from 43 to 996 each of 33 different) collected for plate numbers, highlights including. 10¢ (380), 12¢ (127), 13¢ (101), 15¢ (337), 16¢ (80), 17¢ (108), 18¢ (91), 19¢ (113), 20¢ (151), 21¢ (76), 22¢ (108), 24¢ (68), 25¢ (132), 30¢ (178), 50¢ (140), $1 Arrow (29), $1 no Arrow (100), $1 dry printing (54) and $1 bright magenta (16), great lot for the Prexie specialist with a wide array of plate numbers and positions including scarce numbers, owner's Scott $28,000+, generally Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,500
1938 Prexie Matched Plate Block Collection, 20¢-$5 values of Scott #825-834 arranged on black stock pages in a binder, all different plate numbers and positions, virtually all NH with/all different plate number combinations of dollar values, highlights including #832b $1 watermarked "USIR", other $1 values are 15 plates with arrows, 832c $1 1954 dry printing 25 different top and bottom plates, $2 has four plates with arrows, 12 plates with/o arrows, $5 value has four plates with/arrows and nine plates without arrows, 20¢-50¢ values have from 15-48 plates each mostly in matched sets of four corners of Pre-Eye and Eye plates, 2020 Durland $15,700, great specialist lot, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $1,500 - 2,500.
Realized: $2,100
1938 Presidential Plate Blocks ½¢-17¢, collection of more than 3200 nearly all different NH Pre-Eye and Eye plates from 16-1336 each of 20 values mostly all in matched sets with scarce plate numbers, highlights including Scott #804 (464), 806 (406), 807 (1336), 820 (75) and others, great lot for the Prexie specialist to build on, owner's Scott $4600+, Fine to Very Fine+. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
1940-43 Defense, Win the War, Allied Nations and Fair Freedoms Specialized Plate Number Collection, specialized collection of 774 plate blocks of four including a nearly complete matched set of these WWII issues, nearly all plate numbers and positions including scarce numbers, including 1¢-3¢ Defense Scott #899 and 901, 3¢ Win the War Scott #905, 2¢ Allied Nations Scott #907 and 1¢ Fair Freedoms Scott #908, arranged on black pages in two binders, mostly NH, Fine to Very Fine or better. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $290
1945-2010 Massive Modern Matched Plate Block Lifetime Collection, incredible group of NH modern plates Scott #931//4476, mainly collected for plate numbers, many complete matched sets throughout, including varieties, high values, premiums, a monumental achievement for this life long matched plate number enthusiast, careful inspection highly recommended, face value $15K+, generally Very Fine. Estimate $7,000 - 9,000.
Realized: $8,000