California Picture Post Card Accumulation, nice assembly of approximately 300 mint and used card including many real-photo; includes nice section of Whittier cards including many real-photo, other real-photo cards from Downey, San Pedro, Los Angeles including festival, 1910's Mt. Lassen eruptions, various mining & ghost town views, etc. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475
California Postal History Balance, of approximately 40 covers from the 1850-60's; nice range of townmarks including 1860's Sierra Valley and Fort Jones, 1850's Johnson's Ranch and Rattlesnake double circular date stamps, Mormon Island oval, #15 tied by Yankee Jim cds, Sacramento City "40", two #32's from Sacramento City with red "Cal.C.R.R., Engr. Dept" handstamp, cover front to Mexico, some incoming usages to various mining sites, etc.; condition varies, inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050
California Postal History Balance, of approximately 75 covers and cards; mix of 19th and 20th century material including a run of 1860's Vallejo covers with various fancy postmark, scarce 1863 manuscript Central House postmark, Santa Ana cover with tied tax propaganda labels, unlisted 1894 straight line Gazelle postmark (two examples), unlisted 1884 Michigan Bluff postmark, manuscript Placerville "40" rate cover, rare "Newton" error in spelling cds, couple interrupted mail covers, some S.F., etc.; worth a look. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $550
Kern County Cover Balance, of approximately 400 or so cover and cards, much of the material 20th century with a nice showing of post 1935 (non-Williams listed) townmarks; includes a section of R.P.O.'s, nice showing of corner card covers including later 19th century, some better early postmarks some in mixed condition including Mojave including early straight line postmark, 1880's Caliente manuscript postmarks, interesting Delano usage, Sumner T&C postmark, few interesting real-photo cards, etc.; a nice group for the Kern county specialist. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $650

Kern County Postmark Collection, approximately 230 covers and cards arranged on stockpages in four Lighthouse cover binders, with many examples the listing illustration in Williams; strong showing of scarce postmarks including Amalie T&C first postmark (KER-10, R4, known used between April and August of 1895), Bakersfield including the fancy 1880's octagon (KER-170) and oval postmarks (KER-180, R4) and later fancy boxed registered postmarks, scarce 1912 "Kern Branch" slogan machine postmark (KER-590), 1919 integral "Parcel Post" cds (KER-440, only example recorded), Caliente with all first five postmarks present (four are the illustration in Williams), Chanz postmark (KER-990, known used from February to August 1906), the short-lived Craft cursive handstamp postmark (KER-1000, R4), short-lived Cutten postmark (KER-1020), Delano 1880's straight line postmark, Elmer first postmark (KER-1260, the only listed), 1896 Glennville postmark (KER-1510, only listed), Havilah including 1873 registered usages, 1878 T&C postmark (KER-1680, earliest recorded), Kernville with 1880's registered, Mohave including straight line first postmark (KER-2740, R4) and 2nd-5th postmarks present, the 1908 Oilcenter registered postmark, couple Piute postmark (both the only postmark listed), rare Rose's Station (KER-3640, R5), Searles first postmark (KER-3690, R4), Semitropic first postmark on registered cover (KER-3720, R4), Sumner's first T&C postmark, 1909 Taft straight line provisional postmark (KER-3920, used March-December 1909), Unadilla postmark (faulty but rare), short-lived Vaughn cds, scarce early Weldon postmarks; a nice assembly and an excellent foundation for continuation. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800
Mariposa County Cover & Related Balance, of approximately 80 covers and cards with some items Yosemite related; section of Camp Curry including Special Delivery usages, two real-photo Yosemite post cards and five different corner card covers (four illustrated), similar section of Wawona with many different illustrated Wawona Hotel covers, scarce "Wells, Fargo & Co., Wawona, Cal." express handstamp usage, related items with "Yo Semite House" corner cards from Stockton, "U.S.S. Yosemite" straight line ship handstamp on cover from Guam, 1914 Yosemite Valley R.R. train wreck card, some commemorative items, etc.; inspection recommended. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $900

Southern California Earthquake Real Photo Post Cards, 1920-33, approximately 100 cards; the majority from the 1933 Long Beach Earthquake showing a comprehensive array of building views, various areas including Winstead, Dominguez, Compton, Austin, also includes a selection of 1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake and a small group from the 1920 Inglewood Earthquake, also includes some non-real photo cards, a 1933 cover with earthquake delay endorsement, etc. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $675
Western Cover Group, balance of 8 covers and front; includes early Camp Floyd, U.T., Salt Lake City, front with "Army of Utah" endorsement and a couple U.T. incoming, Nevada usages including 1860's Washoe City & Gold Hill; condition varies. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $400
Western Routes Cover Group, of 14 covers; includes nine manuscript "Overland Mail" endorsed covers with some better frankings, 1859 Camptonville entire with oval "Overland, Via Los Angeles" handstamp (repaired), early Fort Leavenworth cover, 1854 Acapulco to S.F., 1856 S.F. to Scotland, etc. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $750
Western Express Cover & Label Group, mix of */o covers, frank cuts including forgeries and express label including some eastern company items; including Langton cover with Forest City handstamp in combination with Wells, Fargo & Co. Marysville handstamp, Langton & Pacific Stage & Express Co. unused entires, Pacific Mail Express labels, etc.; inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400