Philippines, Japanese P.O.W. Internment Camps 1-4 Group of Covers, Group of 40 U.S. mostly incoming, including a couple of Camp 5 and 11 with stationery or cover usages, one with 6¢ Prexie, two originating from England, one from Japan on stationery envelope, including "Service des Prisoniers de Guerre", incoming all from U.S. including one with contents, one addressed to "British Civilian Internee", one redirected from Manila to Tokyo with personal note from American POW at camp who sorted the mail, a few redirected, some with detailed write-ups, usual condition for these covers, Fine lot, rarely seen in this quantity (photo on web site). Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $3,000

Philippines, Cover Group, 1898-1905, around 100 covers with virtually all franked by 1899 and later overprint issues up to 13¢ value, including Spanish-American War with 39th Regiment, 11th Cavalry,1898 U.S. illustrated flag patriotic with 2¢ Due from Wyoming Volunteer, soldier's mail, smaller towns, all used to U.S., few stationery usages, few postcard usages including real photo and Private Mailing, September 28, 1898 US Military Station Cavite, one usage to Scotland, one to Hong Kong, also US #286 2¢ Trans-Miss tied by Mil Sta No 3 Philippine Islands, Jun 28 1899 duplex, unusual manuscript USS and h/s script "Yorktown", and another with #214 2¢ overprint (torn in opening) tied by indistinct 1899 duplex with straight line "U.S.S. Yorktown" h/s, envelopes opened unevenly at right, both addressed to Portsmouth VA, another group of 4 1899-1901 Philippine Spanish American War Covers, all single franked, two with 2c #214 postmarked Manila PI and two with 5c #216, postmarked Mil Sta No 1 Manila, Phil Isl'd, two are mailed from USS Newark one with USS Newark straight line, torn into strike in opening, all addressed to Portsmouth VA, also Dagupan & Manila, North, RPO, 1901 duplex postmark ties overprinted 2¢ to legal size envelope, addressed to Gerona PI, "Capt Posy, USN, Bamban Tarlac Prov" return address at upper left, cover wrinkles at center (North route is much scarcer than the normally seen South route), Mil. Sta. No. 2, Cavite, Phil Isl'date stamp duplex ties 2¢ red (#214) to envelope, file fold, back flap faults, manuscript 'Marine letter' and faint red straight line "Supt, Mil Sta No 2, Cavite", addressed Washington DC redirected to Johnson City TN, Mil P Sta, Iloilo, Phil Isl'd, Dec 4 1899 duplex ties 1899 2¢ (#214) to small envelope, straight-line handstamped return "U.S.S. Yorktown" at upper left, addressed to Portsmouth VA, few used within the Philippines but most to U.S., few to Europe, typical condition throughout, Fine overall, ex-Freeman (photo on web site). Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $4,500

Philippines, 1898-99 Revolutionary Government stampless covers, 7 including "Telegrafos Estacion De Aparri" seal handstamp on cover to Kiapa; "Provincia De Zambales, Dasol" handstamp on cover front; 1898 Cover to Santa Ana, folded letter datelined "Sta Ana 2 de Stbe a 1898" and addressed to the "Jefe Fuerza", fair strike of "Sanguinian Bayan/ Matibay" official seal; 1896 Circulated Cover Binalonan to Lingayen, folded letter with Spanish town cancel (same marking applied with contents); 1898 Cover La Trinidad to Quesada, folded letter datelined "La Trinidad 11 Nove 1898", addressed to the "Jefe Local", purple-black official seal (same as backstamp and another strike with contents); also 3 sheets showing various Official Seal handstamps, F.-V.F. overall; Signed Irwin Heiman and Spencer Anderson (photo on web site). Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $450

Philippines, Flight Covers, 1919-31, about 66 different and all identified by AAMC numbers including Pioneer flights starting at AAMC #1 to Manila and includes #3, 6, 7, 8a, 8c (2), 32 with #C2-4; 20dd with 10 different adhesives; 43b; one with Special Delivery, overall Very Fine, rarely seen group this complete. AAMC Nos. 1//58 (photo on web site). Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $1,350
Philippines, Late 19th to mid 1940's Commercial Accumulation, 450+ from post U.S. overprint issues through APO's, including. 1930's F.D., Official usages, censored, registered, "Return To Sender / Service Suspended", V-Mail, postcards with real photo, smaller town usages, early soldier's mail from various stations and 2¢ Postage Dues usages, 1899 period including one with correspondence, Postal card usages, "O.B." usages, "Paquebot" including few postwar, commercial mail, corner advertising, Australian stationery usage from Leyte to Sydney 11-19-44 redirected to Wisconsin, August 19, 1920 Corregidor cover with return address of 17th Balloon Co. which was stationed at Kindley Field (rare), etc., excellent lot to break down for retail, usual mixed condition, most bought individually from dealers many years ago, ex-Freeman (no photo). Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $900

Philippines, Pre-War First Flight and Clipper Cover Group, 1931-41, 210+ all identified by AAMC # starting at #63, includes some Special Delivery, reasonably complete including some leg flights, some covers by regular Air or with boxed "Clipper" with Airmail adhesives, includes 1935 Manila-Singapore-Switzerland registered (10 known registered), also 6 incoming flights from Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore (AAMC #118-119), overall Very Fine, 2nd half of the earlier flight cover lot. AAMC Nos. 59/124 (photo on web site). Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $1,300

2867 o/
Philippines, 1944 Victory Overprint Covers, 9 total with group of 5 addressed (4 on #U43) but no receiver markings, 9# unaddressed (2 on U43 covers), and 2 covers with #O39 on Official covers, the U43s include 4 of "Money Order Giro Postal", additional adhesives used including J20, 467, O39, 472 and 481, clean group overall, Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $230
Philippines, 1930-50's and WWII Japanese Occupation First Days, Hundreds loose in box, some showing cachets, also denominational combinations of the Japanese Occupation 1942-1943 issues and some used on #NU1 envelopes, includes scattered commercial usages mostly postwar, some from smaller towns, few showing inspected markings, duplication, many addressed to "Asociacion Filatelica De Filipinas Manila", separate group of APO's (100+) of WWII and postwar, F.-V.F (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,350

Philippines, WWII Commercial Covers, group of 14, consists of NJ1 on cover (cert); NO3 on #10 envelope with straight line native language slogan cancel; 1944 Japanese stationery usage with N1 and anti-Japanese cachet on reverse; two 1945 censored cover to Japanese POW; 482 with 14 May 1945 Mindanao Guerilla Area cancel; U.S. 1942 to Philippines with "Return to Sender"; Philippines Expeditionary Force group, F.-V.F. overall (photo on web site). Estimate $250 - 350.
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Realized: $425

Philippines, 1943 National Heroes Semi-Postal souvenir sheet Varieties, Group of 8 including. issued sheet; unissued sheet, green inscriptions instead of black and double frame around stamps (around 100 exist), shifted 17c value down (2); printer's waste sheet without inscription; miscut sheet showing 5c value only; and sheet used with offset of 12c value on reverse (pinholes, toning), overall Very Fine, very unusual group (photo on web site). Scott Nos. NB8 var. Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $2,100