Lot 2851
Philippines, Documents Group, 10 items including 1920's-50's bank checks, attractive 1939 life insurance document with 4 Documentary adhesives, Government "Treasurer's General Receipt", marriage contract, 2 "Tax Clearance" and 1934 receipts both with Documentary stamps, Fine overall (no photo).Estimate $100 - 150.

Philippines, Balance Of Extensive Mint Collection, mostly complete on Scott pages and virtually complete until "Victory" overprints, certs start at #212 (2), and consists of certs for 223, 224. 225, 236, 237 (2), 239, Victory overprints 464 (3 copies, both with certs and both types), 464 plate blocks (2), 465, 472 (2 copies, both with certs), 471 used on piece, C1, E9, 214a used pair with "Postage Due" overprint and blue BOAC Marinduque cancels (no opinion), O39, O40, N7 with inverted "S", 454, 476, and C14 with both genuine and fake opinions, non certified includes better booklet panes, 1925 Special Printing Lambert imperfs used pairs on parcel front, 1917-25 Specimens, 1930's and later plate blocks and sheets, Special Deliveries, Dues complete mint "USAFFE" 2c pane of 10, overprint flaws including used page with examples, shifted perfs, "O.B." overprints with listed errors, Post Office Seals complete mint, Japanese Occupation with overprint and plate printer's varieties, printer's waste, etc., occasional duplicate or shade, mostly o.g., nice colors throughout, a few with stated minor faults, mostly F.-V.F., all items of value have certificates, 29 in total (mostly PF or APS), the collection is the most extensive we have ever offered, over 50 individual lots put up in the auction from this collection, Ex Freeman (photo on web site). Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Realized: $5,250
Philippines, Regular & Lambert Sale Co. Issues Collection, 1925-31, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages in binder; with Lambert Sale Co. Issues including two registered Lambert package labels, one with 2c block of 8, 4c block of 4, 6c pair & 8c pair, another with a run of 2c-30c pairs, other used including two 2p pairs with different Manila cancels, 1p with top margin single, strip of 3, bottom margin strip of four with part imprint and block of 4, mint issues including 2c-30c top margin singles and pairs with additional lower values, 2c & 4c plate blocks of 16, also plate blocks of 20 of the 6c & 8c values, E6a block of 4, Regular issues with plate blocks of the 10c, 12¢ x2, and 20¢ plate of 20; a nice group for the specialist (no photo). Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $2,200
Philippines, Mint Stationery Accumulation, 100+ envelopes and postal cards with slight duplication including UPSS #121a (2), 121a (2) with favor cancels, 121b, all with certs, 125b (3; one mint, 2 with favor cancels, few with favor cancels, few "OB"s on envelopes and Official cards including UZ4, preprinted, corner cards, Paid Reply with UY1-2, few Aerogrammes, very clean overall, Very Fine, many identified by UPSS numbers (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425

Lot 2855
Philippines, 1944 "VICTORY" Handstamp Overprint Forgery Collection, consists of 41 singles consisting of one booklet pane, 36 mint singles, and 4 "used", with Airs, Dues, and Special Delivery, good reference collection (photo on web site).Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $270

Philippines, 1898 Republic Issues Commercial and Official Mail Issues, 3 exhibit pages, 2c-50c mint and used sets of the commercial mail issues plus an assortment of 12 Official Mail stamps (including varieties), F.-V.F., fewer then five sets of the Canton Government stamps known, American troops confiscated and burned any postal material remaining in the Negros Island post office in March 1899, realized $9500 hammer in 2015 auction. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
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Philippines, Collector's Balance, value in stockbook mint multiples including plate blocks, also minor plate varieties noted, booklet panes, "OB's", #212 used (sound cert), few early surcharges, also small accumulation of modern oversized covers, over 160 mint/used of 1906 and later Issues of identified design types A40-A41 with shades, few misc. mint and used on pages, pair of 1943 Mindanao Guerilla issue, small group of precancel commercial overprints, Revenues including Documentary, few customs, savings small Japanese Occupation collection, Revolutionary Government with duplication, few Spanish period, etc., F.-V.F. overall (no photo). Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $800

Philippines, 1898-99 Filipino Revolutionary Government Issues Collection, on 2 pages, 22 mint including multiples, back-of-book, plate flaws, double impressions, #Y1a, YF1a, also full sheet of YP1a, 17 used mostly multiples with special cancels, includes #Y2¢ Horizontal pair, registry box handstamp (slightly enhanced); Y2 2¢ bottom margin block of 4, purple official cancels, few tone spots at bottom; Y2 2¢ bottom margin block of 4, purple official seal cancel, Y3 2 used singles, etc., rarely seen selection, occasional minor fault, F.-V.F. lot (photo on web site). Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $950

Lot 2859 o
Philippines, Perfin and Handstamp Collection, consists of 34 mostly "CBI" perfins and 65 Heacock, H. Manila., and Rambler Shoe Company "R.S." and "Manila, P.I." handstamps, Fine overall, rarely seen (photo on web site).Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $325

Philippines, 1898 Republic Issues Canton de la Isle de Negros Provisional Issue Cover Collection, nine exhibit pages of used and unused stamps which were printed on small pieces of colored paper; includes 1897 issues of the North Military Zone overprinted "Zona Mil. Norte", 1897 issues of the provisional government under Gen. Aguinaldo, 1897 for general government use issued by Philippine Republic overprinted "Cuartel General", republic stamps overprinted "VISAYAS", "CEBU 1898", "CAVITE 1898" or "BACOLOD NEGROS" for local use in cantons of the Philippine Republic; 1P, 2P and 10P issued without control; 1898 10c, 20c, 50c issued on Cebu with "CEBU/ C.R. 1898" control, finally a set of 2c-50c with "OFICIAL" overprints for use by Revolutionary Army officers, Fine and rare, Initially, persons in possession of these stamps were subject to execution by Spanish authorities and most of the stamps were burned or destroyed and there are no genuine covers franked with these provisionals known. Also unknown is how many different stamps were issued, the quantities printed or the survival rate, In the Philippines, a group of islands, the separate insurgent activities evolved and developed at different rates. Collaborations and alliances between the groups based on the needs and goals of the various groups. These local issues served as a form of unification of various groups in the Canton de la Isle de Negros and the formation of a common postal system was a welcome development. As more insurgent groups joined in the collaboration, most, but not all, saw the benefits of allying with the Aguinaldo government. Estimate $2,000 - 2,500.