Canal Zone, 1925 (Aug. 10) Colombia Scadta First Flight Covers, two covers, each bearing Colombia, 1923, 30c Blue, Air Post (C42) used with National 3c, tied by "Postal Aereo, Barranquilla, Aug. 10, 1923" double-circle datestamp to Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, violet "Primer Correo Aereo, Colombia-America Central" boxed cachet, Cristobal and Ancon transit backstamps, interesting SCADTA label sealing cover; slight toning, one with 3c stamp tear, F.-V.F. and scarce pair, few covers were carried on this survey flight using Dornier Wal flying boat. Estimate $150 - 200.

Canal Zone, 1927 (Aug. 25) Canal Zone Scadta Flight Cover to Barranquilla, Colombia, bearing Canal Zone 5¢ dark blue (86) tied by "Cristobal, Canal Zone, Aug 25, 1927" duplex on cover to Bogota, Colombia, in combination with Colombia 1921, 30c Scadta airmail with "P" overprint (C42) tied by Barranquilla (8.29) cds, Bogota (8.31) arrival backstamp; top edge paper improvement, Very Fine appearance. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $90

Canal Zone, 1928 (Mar. 20) Canal Zone Scadta Flight Cover to Barranquilla, Colombia, bearing Canal Zone 5¢ dark blue (86) tied by "Ancon, C.Z., Mar 20" duplex on legal-size cover to Bucaramnga, Colombia, in combination with Colombia 1921, 30c Scadta airmail with "P" overprint (C42) tied by Barranquilla (4.4) cds, additional Apr. 5th strike and blue Apr. 4th receiving backstamp; slightly rough opening at right, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

Canal Zone, 1928 (Jun. 25) Canal Zone Scadta Flight Cover to Barranquilla, Colombia, bearing Canal Zone 2¢ carmine (84) tied by "Ancon, C.Z., Jun 25, 1928" duplex on cover to Bogota, Colombia, in combination with Colombia 1921, 30c Scadta airmail with "P" overprint (C42) boldly tied by Barranquilla (6.27) cds, blue Apr. 4th receiving cds; Bogota (6.29) arrival backstamp, magenta "Apartado" straightline, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

Canal Zone, 1930 (May 24) Guayaquil, Ecuador to New York City via Canal Zone, flight cover bearing Ecuador 10c airmail, 75c Scadta tied by "Guayaquil, 24.V" cds, green "Correo Aéreo" label, Canal Zone 20c airmail tied by "Cristobal, C.Z. May 27, 1930" duplex; top right opening tears, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.

Canal Zone, 1930 (Dec. 13) Colombia Scadta Flight Cover via Canal Zone to Cuba, cover bearing Colombia 4c blue (2), 5c orange and 20c carmine, all tied by two strikes of "Servicio de Transportes Aereos, Barranquilla, 13 XII 1930" cds, used in combination with Canal Zone 20¢ Airmail (C5) tied by "Cristobal, C.Z. Dec 16, 1930" duplex, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Canal Zone, 1930 (Dec. 17) Scadta Combination Flight Cover to Germany, cover bearing Colombia 1c-30c franking on front and reverse, each stamp tied by "Servicio de Transportes Aereos, Cali, 17 XII 1930" cds, "Par Avion" blue label, used in combination with Canal Zone 20¢ Airmail (C5) tied by "Cristobal, C.Z. Dec 23, 1930" duplex and uncanceled ½¢ Canal Zone (70) pair, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160

Lot 2624
Canal Zone, 1929 (Feb 10) Waybill for Cristobal - Miami First Flight signed by Charles A. Lindbergh, full printed waybill form with strong "C.A. Lindbergh" signature at bottom, text completed by W.L. Howard dispatching clerk is somewhat faded but readable, with flight cachet handstamp near bottom of form and outer cover; slight masking tap stain at edges and some fold splitting which deserves professional restoration, still F.-V.F., an important Canal Zone airmail postal history document, ex-W. Howard.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

Canal Zone, 1929 (Apr. 22) Friedrichshafen, Germany Zeppelin flight to Cristobal, special "Longest Airmail Route" post card franked with Germany 2m Zeppelin tied by "Friedrichshafen, Luftpost, 22.Apr.29" cds, reverse bearing United States 1¢ Franklin and 2¢ Wash. (x13) tied by Sevilla, Spain (4.24) cds transit, "Cristobal, May 13, 1929" machine postmark, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

Canal Zone, 1930, 1931 (Nov. 8, Mar. 21) Colombia to New York City via Canal Zone, two light blue covers bearing Colombia Scadta 5c orange and 20c carmine with additional 1c or 4c, most with "BAA" perfins, all tied by Medellin cds's, blue "Par Avion" labels, used in combination with Canal Zone 20c Airmail (C5) tied by "Cristobal, C.Z." duplexes; 1930 with tape stain at top, F.-V.F. pair. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110