Postal Card, 1879, 2¢ blue on buff, card to Mizran, Algeria, canceled by "Albuquerque, N. Mex., Jul 5, 98" territorial duplex postmark, indistinct transit date stamp and "Alger, Alger, 23 Juil, 98" receiving postmark, Very Fine, a very scarce territorial usage. Scott Nos. UX6 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120

Postal Card, 1879, 2¢ blue on buff, card to mission in Hangchow, China, canceled by "Madison Sq. St. Sta., N.Y., Feb 16, 1903" machine postmark, with Shanghai transit and "Hangchow, 18 Mar, 03" receiving cds's, Very Fine. Scott Nos. UX6 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

Postal Card, 1879, 2¢ blue on buff, card addressed to Kilwa, Congo West Africa, canceled by "Boston, Mass., Nov 16, 1897" flag machine postmark, Antwerp transit and blue Lukungo receiving postmark (for Kilwa), reverse with blue Boma transit; slight card creasing at upper left, otherwise Very Fine. Scott Nos. UX6 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $400

2414 P
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ brown on buff, die proof, exception detailed impression unlike any plate proof or regular issue, on high quality off white card with impression clearly showing though on reverse, Extremely Fine, believed to be one of only such recorded examples, the USPCC catalog only lists a UX9 die proof with manuscript "Specimen" in red, accompanied by card with manuscript "Respectfully submitted" at bottom with suggestion of change to the printed instruction line. USPCC Nos. S7P var. Scott Nos. UX8P Estimate $750 - 1,000.

2415 P
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ Jefferson, trial color proofs, contract sample set, series of 12 cards, all but one with manuscript "Sample-for the contract/ of July 1885" notations and letter A-L (J card without notations, F card noted as accepted for the contract); in various printing/card colors; each with four thin spots on back where they were glued to a mount (except J card) and G, H, I, K and L have a ¼ inch round hole in lower left corner, cards I, J, K and L are colored and irregularly cut by hand, Very Fine appearance, ex-Brazer. USPCC Nos. S7TC. Scott Nos. UX8TC Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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2416 P
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ Jefferson, trial color proofs, rough back card, set of four cards; in dusky violet, bright blue, dark green and black, each with violet three bar handstamp struck over inscription, also includes the additional card in black with manuscript "Specimen"; some toning to most cards, F.-V.F., the complete set as listed in the USPCC, most likely a unique set, all ex-Brazer. USPCC Nos. S7TCe var. Scott Nos. UX8TC Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $400

2417 P
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ Jefferson, trial color proofs, rough back card, group of 8 cards on different colors; includes dull dark red (S), dark green (S), dark blue green, bright blue, gloomy violet, dull dusky gray blue (S), deep dusky gray blue (S), and neutral gray (S), those mark "(S)" with red manuscript "Specimen"; some natural paper inclusions and a couple with light tone spots, otherwise Very Fine, nearly all ex-Brazer. USPCC Nos. S7TCe $2,000. Scott Nos. UX8TC Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $400

2418 P
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ Jefferson, card trial color proofs, three cards in different card colors; in light gray, yellow buff and reddish orange, each with bottom left corner clipped as often seen, Very Fine, very scarce. USPCC Nos. S7TCg $1,200. Scott Nos. UX8TC Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375

2419 S
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ brown on buff, diagonal "Specimen." overprint, on two cards, in black and in red; red overprint card with small natural paper inclusion at bottom, Very Fine, ex-Brazer. USPCC Nos. S7PSba, S7PPSbb $700. Scott Nos. UX8S Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

2420 S
Postal Card, 1885, 1¢ brown on buff, production specimen, two cards with black printed "Specimen" over indicia and "Specimen" in rectangular border of diagonal squares in address space; with printing in dull brown and dull red brown; few minor spots on one card, otherwise Very Fine. USPCC Nos. S7PSa $400. Scott Nos. UX8S Estimate $150 - 200.