Official Seal - Postage Stamp Agency, 1886, pink & red, two examples affixed to 1889 registered package envelope from New York to Hiram, Me.; neatly trimmed at right, Fine, only two recorded examples of multiple seals used on a single envelope.. Scott Nos. OXF6 Estimate $300 - 400.
When the use of the 1872 registry seal was discontinued in 1875, the Postage Stamp Agency in New York was not satisfied with the security provided by the new Lewis patent envelopes and contracted with the Continental Bank Note Co. to prepare seals to secure the shipment of stamps from the Agency.

Registered Package Envelope Collection, collection of approximately. 450 envelopes including 43 OXF1 sealed envelopes, various styles present including two Dempsey & O'Toole red bands type FR-RB-07, Morgan red band type FR-RB-10, etc.; some faults, F.-V.F. and large accumulation of these envelopes. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950

Postage Stamp Agency Seals Collection, collection of 50 seals used on registered stamp agency package envelopes, note OXF6 on 1888 envelope; OXF7 (3) on 1886-88 envelopes; OXF8 (3) on three 1893 envelopes; OXF11 on 1895 envelope; OXF11a deep colors on 1896 envelope; OXF13 on three 1898-99 envelopes; OXF14 (2) on 1905 and 1907 envelopes, OXF14A (4) on four 1900-05 envelopes, OXF4 (5) on envelopes, a large bunch of 26 envelopes with OXF5, plus a couple pre-seal or with OXF1, etc.; some mixed condition, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. OXF4//OX14 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $950

Postage Stamp Agency Seals Collection, collection of 3 off-cover seals and 14 envelopes comprising OXF6a and OXF14 off-cover and covers of OXF4, OXF5, OXF6, OXF7, OXF8, OXF10, OXF11, OXF11a, OXF13, OXF15 and OXF16, Very Fine collection. Scott Nos. OXF6a//OXF16 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $290