Lot 1402 P
Hawaii, 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, plate proof on India paper, on original card, large margins, vibrant color, fresh and Very Fine.Scott No. 31P3 $400.
Realized: $130

Lot 1403 P
Hawaii, 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, plate proof on India, left margin single with part imprint, large margins all around, brilliant color, tiny thin spot, otherwise fresh and Extremely Fine.Scott No. 31P3 $400.
Realized: $90

Hawaii, 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, block of 20, disturbed o.g., nicely centered, intense color, few separations, couple flaws including bottom left stamp with corner crease, F.-V.F. and attractive multiple. Scott No. 31 $1,300.
Realized: $575

Hawaii, 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, tied by segmented rings cancel with center pin, matching "Honolulu, Hawaiian-Islands, Apr 28" cds (243.03, R8) on light yellow circa 1873 cover to Kohalada, Hawaii, docketed from "Rev. D. Dole 1873" at lower left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 31 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $230

Hawaii, 1864, 2¢ rose vermilion, bisected, used with 5¢ blue (32), both tied by two strikes of target patent cancel (ring3-21) on 1870 lady's cover with blue flap monogram to Albany N.Y., orange-red "G.P.O. Honolulu, H.I., Paid All, Aug 21" (245.02, 1RR) cds, reverse with "San Francisco, Cal., Sep 6" transit backstamp; Honolulu postmark enhanced, 5¢ stamp replaced not mentioned on certificate, Very Fine appearance, still a rare bisect of the 2¢ 1864 Kamehameha IV issue used on cover, ex-Peters; with 2015 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 31b Estimate $500 - 750.
Mail exchanged between Hawaii and the United States was greatly simplified by the Postal Convention signed May 4, 1870, effective July 1, 1870, which established the 6¢ single-letter rate to the United States. The 6¢ stamps were not available until late Spring 1871, and so the rate was made up using three 2c stamps. As the supply of 2c stamps dwindled, the post office permitted some bisects to be used with 5¢ stamps for the 6¢ rate. The first Honolulu convention period "Paid All" cds (MH 245.02) is recorded from July 22, 1870 until September 5, 1870.
Realized: $1,600

Lot 1407 P
Hawaii, 1864-71, 2¢-18¢ black, defaced trial color proofs on thin bond paper, each reduced and originally defaced with red manuscript, 5¢ mounted on piece with additional ms.; each faulty from book removal and attempted red manuscript removal, Fine and unlisted in Scott.Scott No. 32TC1-34TC1 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $3,000

Lot 1408 P
Hawaii, 1866, 5¢ red violet, trial color plate proof on India paper, horizontal pair showing vertical plate misalignment, full to large margins, right with light crease, Very Fine appearance.Scott No. 32TC3 $800.
Realized: $675

Lot 1409 P
Hawaii, 1866, 5¢, trial color plate proofs on India, Five, all different colors, lacking only Orange Red to be complete, also includes 32P3, large margins, Very Fine.Scott No. 32TC3a-f $2,000.
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Realized: $1,100

Lot 1410 P
Hawaii, 1866, 5¢ orange red, trial color plate proof on India paper, large margins all around, thin spot, Very Fine appearance.Scott No. 32TC3b $400.
Realized: $350

Lot 1411 P
Hawaii, 1871, 6¢ green, plate proof on India paper, close to large margins, F.-V.F.Scott No. 33P3 $400.
Realized: $120