Revenue, 1862, First Issue, 60¢ Inland Exchange, part perf, five singles in combination with 1862, 60¢ Inland Exchange, perf'd, two singles + 30¢ Inland Exchange, perf'd (R64c+R52c) tied by 1865 date stamp cancel on piece, Very Fine. Scott No. R64b $1,125+.
Realized: $400

Lot 1053 o
Revenue, 1862, First Issue, 70¢ Foreign Exchange, imperf, central 1864 Chas. Luling & Co. circular handstamp cancel, ample to large margins, deep rich color, Very Fine and choice.Scott No. R65a $750.
Realized: $375

Lot 1054 o
Revenue, 1862, First Issue, 70¢ Foreign Exchange, perf'd, silk paper, light manuscript cancel, intense deep rich color, Very Fine and choice, a striking stamp; with 2020 P.S.E. certificate.Scott No. R65d $75.
Realized: $150