Lot 4589
Catalogs, Albums and Supplies, five cartons including complete set 2011 Scott Stamp Catalogue (6 vols); 1993 Michel German Catalogue, 1993/4; Postmark Polish Catalogue; 3 early 20th century stamp albums (empty), Supreme Global Stamp Album (Minkus) (two - No stamps); Master Global Stamp Album (Minkus) (No stamps); International Junior Postage Stamp Album (Scott, 1939) (No stamps); worldwide/Standard World Stamp Album (3 volumes); five used 9x12 Stockbooks, 16 empty stockbooks of various sizes and quality; one box 1000 unused envelopes with windows (3x5); new 3x5 glassines (2000); one box with unused glassines (3.5x2.5), used 4x2.5 glassines (1500); unused card file guides (3x5), and unused GK-102 CD cards (500); 1 large manila envelope with sheafs of interleaving; decorative shoebox filled with glassines, mounts, display cards, all unused; manila envelope with 100s of used and unused display cards; two boxes (2000) used GK 102a display cards; large three ring folder with approx. 100 new and used 11x8.5 stock pages, etc.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $150
Lot 4590
Unopened Mounts Hoard, couple hundred packs, accumulated by collector over decades, various sizes of better suppliers, including Prinz, Showgard, Scott, considerable retail value.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $300