Worldwide, Holding, mint n.h., 19th and 20th century, impressive collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding of many thousands of $1-$20 range, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards housed in ten red boxes, faulty have been removed, modest duplication, no British, French, Portugal and Colonies or Latin America (offered as separate lots) but most other areas are reasonably represented; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $30,500, well worth consideration. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $3,000
Worldwide, Accumulation, premium group, n.h., mainly $50 and up, a powerful selection from a collector/wanna-be dealer's several decades accumulation, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and neatly laid out on stock pages for easy viewing, faulty have been removed, modest duplication; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $8,500; well worth consideration. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $2,600
Worldwide, Dealer's Stock, large dealer's stock of thousands of worldwide sets and singles, all on 104A cards in black boxes, most are priced, with many in the $100-$300 range, wide range of countries with very little 19th century items, most of the value in unused 20th century sets and singles, many good definitive sets, topicals, airmails, etc., better items include Greece Zeppelins C5-7 n.h., CV $325, Germany B49-59, OG, $387, stronger in Germany, better items from many countries abound; please inspect. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $4,000
Lot 4543 o
Worldwide, Accumulation, very fine and extra-fine used quality classics, an appealing group of mainly $20 to $500 each, selected from a collector/wanna-be dealer's several decades accumulation, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and arranged on stock sheets for easy viewing; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock, most are classic period and used with strong Western Europe and Scandinavia but also strong are Romania, including some nice mint, Brazil, Russia and U.S.; cat. value exceeds $13,300; well worth consideration.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $2,100
Worldwide, Modern Wholesale Stock, assortment of mostly late 20th century issues in quantities from Albania to Zaire much of which are souvenir sheets with lots of topical themes; strength including Brazil Scott #1351 x115, Cuba C213a x230 and St. Kitts-Nevis #323a x90, much British Isles, Mexico & Russia; nice fresh material throughout, owner's 2018 Scott cat $36,463.85 (with detailed inventory). Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,300
Worldwide, Holding, mint n.h., 20th century, lovely items in a collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding in the $20-$50 range, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards housed in one red box, faulty have been removed, modest duplication, no British, most other areas are reasonably represented; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $10,300, well worth consideration. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,450
Worldwide, Collections, mint and used selection of country collections in fourteen albums, most Scott specialty; most are clean and useful in the $5-$50 range, generally fine and very fine quality, some faulty, many will lot by themselves thousands of dollars; included are Spain, San Marino, Germany, DDR, Swiss, Danzig, Sweden, Saar Ryukyu, Monaco, Eritrea; consignor's wholesale value estimate $3,560. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,500
Worldwide, Collection, mint and used, quite useful collection includes nice USA, old time worldwide album, Spain, Greece, Iceland, Latin America, some British and Portuguese colonies, Tanner Tuva and so much more than we can list, $5-$20 range material to unearth with many possibilities for country groups and collections as well; consignor's estimated wholesale value $4,280. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,900
Lot 4548 o
Worldwide, Holding, used, awful or "dog" faulty (the ones you don't normally count unless they are part of a lot like this, offered at a tiny fraction of the cost), these will be ugly: i.e. pieces missing or holes, stained badly, etc., pulled from a collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding with most areas represented, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards housed in an overflowing red box, 100-500 items abound; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $150,000, well worth consideration.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,800
Worldwide, Collection, mint and used, 19th and 20th century packed into five stock books, numerous folders, albums, envelopes etc, rather diverse group includes a nice early Serbia specialized group in stock books; lots of value for the enterprising philatelist, consignor's estimated wholesale value $2,480. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $900