St. Pierre & Miquelon, High Quality Nearly Complete Mint Collection, 1885 - 1967, A superior all mint collection of hundreds of stamps in outstanding quality neatly mounted on carefully described pages in two albums plus dealer or auction lots, identified by Scott on lot sheets on Vario black pages. A lovely collection beginning with the first issues of Imperfs, followed by perforated singles, inverted surcharges, 1891 issue complete (19-35), overprints on Postage Dues, 1892 Navigation & Commerce (60-78), "France Libre" overprints (216A-220), plus Semi-Postals, Postage Dues and Parcel Post issues, Missing only rarities with singles and sets up to and over $1000 each with many in the $200. To $500. range where the value adds up quickly. Quality is excellent throughout, Auction or retail prices on these popular issues such as the comprehensive "France Libre" overprints will be in the 50% to 70% range of Scott. This collection is intact as received and again one of the finest that we have offered, it is a pleasure to view the scans or in person, many better items are signed, A few key stamps are N.H. and the balance o.g. Mainly Fine to Very Fine with only a few faults, Scott plus a few unlisted is approximately $30,000. with a significantly higher value in the French catalogues, There will be a slightly higher value as we didn't check for N.H. on all, Don't miss this lot! ex-Windsor. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $9,000
Germany, Key Souvenir Sheets, 1931-1937, The 10 Year Sheet (B58), Ostropa sheet (B68) plus the Olympic souvenir sheets and additional stamp issues, Fine to Very Fine, ex-Windsor. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $850
German Colonies, Exceptional High End All Mint Collection, 1884-1919, A very comprehensive mint collection of hundreds of quality singles and sets on well described pages housed in two binders along with a quantity of dealer and auction lots on Vario stockpages with an array of better singles & sets from well known sources some accompanied by certificates, We note such stamps as Offices in China Scott 36 at $1350., Offices in Morocco 19 $975. And 19A $1500., Kiauchau 32 $1500., Caroline Islands, More Offices in China with shades, German East Africa with booklets, Witu Protectorate and Belgian Occupation, Nice German New Guinea, German South-West Africa with better Imperforates and booklet, Kiauchau with 1905 set to the $2½ with certificate slightly toned, Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands, More Morocco and "Marokko" surcharges Offices in Turkey with Reichspost Type I retouched and Type II (2), Togo with British Protectorate including 1914 3pf and 5pf as well as the 80pf N.H. with Bothe certificate, also overprints on Gold Coast stamps, Allenstein, Marienwerder Poland occupation, Post Gdansk Romania 1917 occupation set of three N.H., Schlesswig, Upper Silesia. Condition is exceptional with most Fine to Very Fine o.g. with some N.H., very few faults, Certainly one of the finer Germany Colonies collections that we have offered. ex-Windsor. Estimate $15,000 - 20,000.
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Realized: $22,000
Israel, A Complete Mint Tab Collection plus Booklets, 1948-1962, A solid collection of 200 plus Tabs, Booklets, Tête-bêche pairs and some varieties all neatly mounted on well described pages in an album. Begins with 1-9 Tabs and A.P.S. certificate for 9 plus a set of singles of 2-9 and a forged set of 1-9 Imperforate Tab blocks (If genuine a Scott value of $32,000.). We note the scarce "IMABA" Exhibition booklet of 1948 plus other better booklets, No postage dues however all of the other key early Tabs are present. Mainly o.g. with some N.H. possible as we only spot checked. Condition is Fine to Very Fine, with few faults if any. Very high resale value, ex-Windsor. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $2,600
Italy, Mint Comprehensive Collection, 1862-1951, superior all mint collection of many hundreds of singles and sets on well designed pages and a number still on original auction lot sheets all housed in two thick binders, replete with an abundance of scarce and rare singles and sets which catalog into the thousands of dollars each, provenance is excellent as purchases were made from well know auction houses and dealers and we note certificates on some key stamps, begins with the Kingdom issues of King Victor Emmanuel of 1862 with various shades noted, Turin printing with better items including the 10c buff with Oliva certificate, 1878 surcharges with A.P.S. certificate, Victor Emmanuel III to the 5 lira with Raybaudi certificate for 50c, 15c Slate rare booklet pane of six, Philatelic Congress, Manzoni to 5 lira, incredible selection of mint and a number n.h. advertising labels of 1924-1925 including Scott 87d n.h. with Sismondo certificate and a Scott total for these popular issues alone is over $14,000 followed by the Virgil, Dante, World Cup, Risorgimento and all better sets with airmail issues, surcharge and perforation varieties are often present, a nice selection of Romulus errors, strong back-of-the-book with Semi-Postals and a selection of B.L.P. overprints including rarities, Air Post with Trans-Atlantic Squadron, impressive complete set of 20 of the popular Balbo Triptychs, Pneumatic Post issues, Special Delivery, Postage Dues with key sets, Officials, Newspaper stamps, Parcel Post including better items such as Q76 "Cavalino" plus much more; condition is well above average and the 20th century quality is exceptional with few faults, earlier issues will have a few faults however overall the collector had an excellent eye for fresh and sound material, one of the finest collections of Italy that we have had the pleasure to offer, catalog value is primarily based on Scott but unlisted items were valued by Sassone and the total is in excess of $125,000, ex-Windsor. Estimate $15,000 - 20,000.
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Realized: $26,000
Trieste Zone A, Trieste & Specialized A.M.G. Issues, 1944-1954, An interesting collection of hundreds of mainly mint issues on "Bush" printed pages and well described additional pages in two volumes. Trieste is very complete with much o.g. and N.H. including Postage Dues, Parcel Post including the rare Q18 with 5m spacing Mondolfo certificate and Scott value of $1000., The regular Trieste has a Scott value of $6,600.+, This doesn't include a myriad of varieties catalogued in Sassone for many hundreds of Euros in total. We note a selection of the Bari-AMG Provisionals including scarce Perfs, varieties, Imperfs, Double Impressions, Imperf vertically, Essays, Color varieties and more plus a plethora of additional AMG material in one full additional volume. This will also include more varieties; Condition is almost uniformly Fine to Very Fine with few faults. We used Scott for a portion of the collection and the total with Sassone should easily exceed $10,000. ex-Windsor. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,700
Italian Colonies and Offices, A Superior Quality Mint Collection, 1874-1945, An advanced all mint collection of several thousand singles, sets, varieties and more on well described pages in two albums plus an array of better items still on the original dealer or auction lot sheets mounted on Vario black holders. A very comprehensive collection packed with singles and sets into the many hundreds of dollars each or even more in well above the norm condition, Begins with the Italian Social Republic 1944 Provisional issues with Parcel Post, G.N.R. overprints and better items up to 1500 Euros in Sassone, Italian Colonies General Issue commemoratives and Air Post complete, Italian East Africa complete with Air Post and Postage Due issues, also the rare unissued British Occupation with seven different, Sola Italian Offices Abroad starting with the scarce "Estero" overprints Scott 1//17 and thirteen different, followed by Offices in China, Pechino and a great showing of the Tientsin overprints to the $2 on 5 Lira, Scott 22-30, also with Postage Dues, Offices in Crete, Almost complete Oltre Giuba with Parcel Post, Vaglia, Italian Offices in the Turkish Empire contains many scarce high value singles and sets either signed or in some cases with certificates. We note Albania, Constantinople, Janina, Jerusalem, Salonika, Scutari, Valona, and more, Superb Aegean islands virtually complete with all of the different Island overprints, Rhodes is especially strong with key sets including Scott 29-37, Air Posts, Special Delivery, Postage Dues all with some varieties including double or inverted overprints, A perfect collection to add spice to an existing one or to breakdown for online or even Public auction sales, A pleasure to view this is a collection not to miss, Condition is mainly o.g. with some N.H. and Fine to Very Fine with a few faults primarily on earlier issues. Catalogue was mainly based on o.g. as time didn't permit checking all for N.H., although there are N.H. stamps we didn't factor in, Scott plus Sassone for the non-Scott listed came to $61,000 plus whatever the additional N.H. value will total, ex-Windsor. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $14,500
Italian Colonies, Cyrenaica, Fezzan & Tripolitania, Mint Collections, 1923-1950, Three lovely mint collections all look quite complete for the period neatly mounted on well described pages all mint, includes the scarce "Segnatasse Per Vaglia" set for Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, Condition is quite nice at least Fine to Very Fine with few faults if any, Scott value plus Sassone for the unlisted in Scott is $7,156. Plus additional value for any N.H. not counted, ex-Windsor. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,700
Italian Colonies, High End Stamps & Postal History, 1934-40, collection of several hundred stamps and numerous covers on pages, with Italian East Africa including the very scarce Military Franchise set of 1941 with Raybaudi certificate and further issues both mint and used, very strong in postal history also including Eritrea and Ethiopia, censored mail, BMA overprints, postal stationery and more make this an interesting and valuable collection, also Libya, Tripolitania and Cyrenaica are noteworthy, well worth viewing, condition only a little mixed ex-Windsor. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $4,250
Eritrea, Outstanding Very Comprehensive All Mint Collection, 1892-1936, An almost complete mint collection with varieties of several hundred stamps neatly mounted on well designed pages including rarities all in one album with additional Dealer and Auction lot sheets mounted on Vario black pages, Begins with Scott 1-33 less 10 for a total of $2,793., Followed by what appears to be a complete run of major Scott numbers plus inverted overprints and perf. Varieties also with Semi Postals Authorized Delivery, Air Posts, Postage Due J1-J10, selection of the "overprint at bottom", plus the rare J1ba Numeral and overprint inverted Scott $550., The "Money Order" Postage Due set is also present, as well as the set of Official stamps, The scarce J12 & J13 Scott $1350., are noteworthy, however one of the true highlights are the Parcel Post issues with Q1 through Q21 all o.g. and Q2 is N.H. with Raybaudi certificate and Scott value of $5250. The other Q values total $3050. In Scott. Rarely is such a complete collection offered don't miss this opportunity, Condition is well above average Fine to Very Fine or better o.g. with some N.H., few faults if any. Scott value doesn't include all N.H. as we didn't check every stamp and while mainly o.g. there is also N.H., Scott plus Sassone only listed totals $24,500 plus the uncounted N.H., ex-Windsor. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $6,000