Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1904-12, mounted collection of over 1900 revenues and 71 documents; includes Impuesto Minero (413) with 20 additional on document usages and a 500p block of ten on piece (believed to be the largest known multiple), Alcoholes (12), Expolsivos (42) and Seguros (4), other documents including Mexico - Austria combination on internal revenue check; catalog value of revenues is $8,389 with owner's net value of documents being $2,588, condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,400
Mexico, - Revolutionary Revenue Issue Collection, 1911-16, a great mounted collection of 1,872 revenues and 56 documents; includes 1911-12 Juarez issues (341) including many blocks with plate numbers & 2 documents, also RV2 printed on both sides, RV12 imperf horizontally & between stamp and talon, Transitorio issues (258) including used multiples, documents (7), Impuesto Minero document, 2 covers & a partial document with 14 Transitorio revenues showing 20% federal tax due, unlisted Impuesto Minero RV25, 26 (2), 27 (3), 29 & RY29 with Vinos y Cervezas also unlisted, 1914-15 Gobiero Convencionista issues including Federal (6), Impuesto Minero (7) to 500p, cancels from railraods, Wells Fargo & Mexicana de Espress (Morelia), revenues used in over 40 different cities, document with 50p (81) + 5p + 3c (8) + 1c showing 4055.25 peso tax ($1,000), document with 124 Gobiero Convencionista revenues with talons, etc.; condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1912-22, mounted collection of 2,463 revenues and 30 documents; a great variety of colors & types of the various overprints, includes Impuesto Minero (176), Impuesto documents (2), Seguros (8), some multiples including full sheets and impressive combination frankings on document, etc.; catalog value of revenues is $10,888 with owner's net value of documents being $727, condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,450
Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1923-31, mounted collection of 1960 revenues and 56 documents; a great variety of colors & types of the various overprints, includes Impuesto Minero proofs (7), some multiples and impressive combination frankings on document, etc.; catalog value of revenues is $4,110 with owner's net value of documents being $1,011, condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $850
Mexico, Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1932-38, mounted collection of 2,121 revenues and 68 documents; a great variety of colors & types of the various overprints, includes Compra Venta, Hilados y Tejidos, 10% Adicional, Recibos, etc., some heavy duplication of previously unlisted Expendio Bebidas; catalog value of revenues is $4,160 with owner's net value of documents being $812, condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $800
Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1939-44, mounted collection of over 2,020 revenues and 69 documents; includes twenty one 500p values and eighteen 1000p values, a great variety of colors & types of the various overprints, with many revenues not listed in the 2011 catalog; catalog value of revenues is $5,891 with owner's net value of documents being $500, condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $850
Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1945-52, mounted collection of over 870 revenues and 31 documents; includes fourteen 500p values and twenty two 1000p values, highlights include 1945 Compra Venta 1000p with talon, 1945 Portes y Pasajes 1000p used strip of four (unlisted), 1946 Alcoholes 1000p (unlisted), 1946 Portes y Pasajes 1000p (unlisted), 1946 Alcoholes Sociedades 1000p (unlisted), 1947 Compra Venta 1000p with talon, 1947 Alcoholes Sociedades 1000p (unlisted) & 1948 Compra Venta 1000p (unlisted); catalog value of revenues is $2,815 with owner's net value of documents being $363, condition above the norm throughout. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $700
Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1953-81, a wonderful mounted collection of 948 revenues and 197 documents; there are twenty seven 500p stamps and thirty three 1000p stamps, many stamps are not listed in the 2011 catalog, unlisted overprints include 1963 Anticipo Mercantiles, Ensenanza, Consumo Algodon (2 lines) as well as several other unlisted overprints, a 1954 Cedula Sexta 1000p with talon is also includes; catalog value of revenues is $12,141 including those on documents (revenues on the 197 documents catalog $5,879 for off document stamps), condition above the norm throughout, a collection that would be difficult to duplicate. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Mexico, - Revolutionary Issue Revenue Exhibit Collection, 1913-16, 9 page one-frame exhibit; includes State of Coahuila with 1876 Provisional issue in sheets of 8 with all errors (3), Special Tax issues with Impuesto Minero overprints, IES43 1000p with Impuesto Minero is unlisted and rare with talon, also includes are 2 covers with revenues used as postage with talons; catalog value for revenues $1,531. Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $210
Mexico, - Sonora State Revenue Collection, 1913-15, mounted collection of 373 revenues, including some sheets, some identified by types, including colored and Anvil seal issues; catalog value $2,013. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $525