Ethiopia, Collection, mint and a few used, nice clean collection in two volumes with high degree of completion for items up to $20 each; cat. value in $2,000-$2,500 range. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300
Europe (Central), Group, 19th and 20th Century mint and used general Italy collection in four stockbooks, including Colonies, San Marino, Vatican, also three additional stockbooks with Switzerland, Monaco and Austria, worthwhile material throughout, fine to very fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450
Europe (Eastern), Stock, mostly 20th century mint and used in 27 stockbooks, featuring Albania, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Montenegro, Czechoslovakia and Croatia, better items throughout, worth review, generally fine to very fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $550
Europe (Eastern), Poland & Czechoslovakia Collections, on album pages in 2 binders; Poland with hundreds with mint Scott #320-32 n.h., B15-25 l.h., 3K1-3K16 and 3KB1 all n.h., used B36-39, B45, B50-52, C28-31 imperf., Czechoslovakia mint 1918-92 with 100+ mint souvenir sheets and miniature sheets in Vario pages, sparse early but good coverage from 1936 on. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425
Europe (Western), Accumulation, mint, used, old-time collector's substantial accumulation of many thousands of mostly used and some mint 19th century to 2000's, all arranged in chronological order in about 150 bundles of Scott numbered glassines, mostly fine-very fine with occasional faults in earlier; value is in $1-$20-range items, mostly modest duplication (to 10 or more each though occasionally there are hundreds each suitable for packet making or crafts); no France and Colonies but strong in Germany (no DDR), Austria, Belgium, Greece, Scandinavia, Spain and Colonies, Portugal and Colonies, Switzerland, Netherlands and Colonies, Italian Area and Turkey. Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $750
Falkland Islands, Registration Envelopes, Approximately 250 all philatelic use; please inspect. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60
Falkland Islands Dependencies, Accumulation, mainly mint n.h., clean, fresh accumulation sorted into envelopes and on pages; items largely in £2-£30 range, modest duplication; SG cat. value £2,792, A lovely group. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $525
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Finland, Roulettes Accumulation, better used, extra-fine, all teeth intact, a lovely group of eleven stamps selected from a collector/wanna-be dealer's several decades accumulation, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102, ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $1,577; well worth consideration.Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $375