Lot 4233 o
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, better used, an appealing collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding, most in the $20-$50 range; all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and housed in a red box; faulty have been removed and there is modest duplication, ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $28,900, well worth consideration.Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $3,250
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, mint, substantial collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding of many thousands in the $1-$20 range, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and housed in seven red boxes, faulty have been removed and there is modest duplication, ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock, cat. value exceeds $31,000, well worth consideration. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,100
Lot 4235 o
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, used, extensive collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding of many thousands in the $1-$20 range, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and housed in nine red boxes, faulty have been removed, modest duplication; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $44,000, well worth consideration.Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $3,000
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, mint, used seconds, all with mostly smaller faults, no gum or toning, collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding of many hundreds with main value in the $50-$200 range, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and housed in a red box, modest duplication; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $51,000, well worth consideration. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $3,000
British Commonwealth, Collection, mint and used, 19th and 20th century, interesting though somewhat messy collection, including 10 volumes, many envelopes and folders, century sets, singles, Great Britain in stock book (cat. value £5,500, wholesale value at $300), area specialty also for Europe, Africa, America, Oceania, many country collections with notable Falkland Islands; much value in $5-$50 range items throughout; consignor's estimated wholesale value $4,250. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,100
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, mint and used high-cat. seconds, mostly $100 and up each, a substantial and valuable group selected from a collector/wanna-be dealer's several decades accumulation, small to moderate faults, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and arranged on stock sheets for easy viewing, occasional, modest duplication, no GB except #1 used; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $44,000; well worth consideration. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, mint, used, old-time collector's twenty-two stockbook accumulation of hundreds of 19th and mostly earlier 20th century, used and some mint, to 1960's, value is in $1-$20+ range with generally modest duplication, some to 50 or more each, mixed condition but with much fine-very fine; includes most areas except for Great Britain, most Asia, Australia and states, and New Zealand which are separate lots, Canada alone (in three stockbooks) cats over $26,000; total cat. value should exceed $60,000; consignor's wholesale value estimate $4,000. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,250
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, mint and used from estate, includes old time used India collection, country collections on pages including Ascension with GVI mint imprint blocks, Malta mint collection minor varieties, 1940-90's with a few earlier in many older mostly mint priced binders on retail pages up to cat. $150+, GVI and QEII early sets and singles, classic used Straits Settlements on stockpages, older approval books, etc., needs work but worthwhile to breakdown for resale, mostly F.-V.F. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,600
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, mint n.h., quite useful collector/wanna-be dealer's several-decades holding, thousands in the $1-$20 range, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and housed in five red boxes, faulty have been removed, modest duplication, ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $13,000, well worth consideration. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,450
British Commonwealth, Accumulation, premium, mint group, n.h., mainly $50 and up, a lovely selection from a collector/wanna-be dealer's several decades accumulation, all identified by Scott number and cat. value on 102 cards and neatly laid out on stock pages for easy viewing, faulty have been removed, modest duplication; ready-for-show sales or easy mixing into stock; cat. value exceeds $6,000 (many figured at hinged price); well worth consideration. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,250