Canal Zone, Cover Accumulation, carton of appox. 600 covers including a variety of overprints, U.S. overprints, commercial uses, airmail flights, registered, FDCs, stationery, etc. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350
Canal Zone, Cover Balance, mix of over 260 covers and cards; includes 48 different WWII patriotics used from C.Z., six U.S. Special Deliveries on C.Z. covers, selection of 12 1920-30's first flight usages, FDC's of Scott 120-135 and C15-C20 on one cover, 23 #141's each with different towns, group of 32 post cards including a unused real photo, 8 C.Z./Scadta combination airmail covers, mix of other useful to good items including a scarce 1919 Submarine Mail Service cover, also an interesting group of official material mostly from the C.Z. postal service 1940-70's. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950
Canal Zone, Specialized Map Issue Collection, 1904-06, of mostly mint blocks (all with plate positions) with additional mint pairs, singles, selection of used singles and block and 8 cover and card usages, displayed and identified on quadrille pages in album; starting with Scott #9 with five mint blocks and varieties including spaced "AL" in "Canal" (position 41, 700), broken "Z", "E" & "L" on separate stamp in block, Canal antique in block (9a), etc., #10 in similar fashion with many broken letter varieties, #11 with separate dull vermilion and dark carmine surcharge shades groups, includes Zone antique in mint and used blocks (11a), broken letters, inverted "M", etc., similar #12 broken into the various printings including wide "AL" in "Canal", broken letters, Zone antique (12b), etc., with following issues in similar fashion up to Scott #20 with good varieties throughout, careful inspection a must. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,700
Canal Zone, 1904-06 Map Issues on Cover, better group of 9 covers; includes Scott 9+10+13 combination from Bohio, two single franking #11 usages with color varieties of red overprint, combination 12+16+17 (3) with minor Panama overprint variety on #12, #12 pair usages, #13 use from La Boga, #10+18 on Cristobal registered cover, #12+20 on La Boca registered cover, #19 cover w scarce registry Cristobal exchange etiquette (with another stamp replaced); all in nice condition, worth proper evaluation, ex-Salz. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700

Canal Zone, Collection, 1904-1964, collection starting with #1 (APS cert), 2, 9a, 10a, 13a, 18-20, 36a (PSE cert, creased), 60-66, 70-81, C1-C5, CO1-CO7, some blocks and varieties incl. 12a blk/4; condition issues affecting gum, nice collection. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $1,050
Canal Zone, Regular Issues on Cover, 1906-78, group of 79 covers; various usage including registered, censored, airmail, some FDC's, nice array of corner cards, etc., with stamps including Scott #90, 91 (3), 125 & 126; nice group, worth a look. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325
Canal Zone, Cover Balance, 1917-50, of 16 better covers; includes #39+41 registered use, #49 use to Puerto Rico - N.Y. and returned, #50 solo registered #60 (3)+63+U2 combination, #C2+102+U0 airmail use, #O9 solo usage, #CO2 overprint variety on cover (position 49) with normal solo use, also six scarce postage due usages including combination and block; worth review. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $550

Canal Zone, Postal History Group, 1928-1943, group of 4 covers or cards comprising 1929 Scadta flight from Colombia to Cristobal Canal Zone; 1929 Barranquilla Scadta flight cover to Bogota; 1928 First Flight Zeppelin card bearing U.S. franking with 1¢ and 2¢ Canal Zone stamps; and 1943 Brisbane, Queensland cover to Pitcairn Island via Balboa, Canal Zone; also includes 1929 Graf Zeppelin LZ127 flight card Germany to New York, F.-V.F. group. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240
Canal Zone, Airmail Issues on Cover, 1929-74, group of 81 covers; various usage including registered, censored, #C12 & C13 usages, FDC's some with blocks of 4, sets, several C36- C41 folders, no FFC's; a nice array of material, worth a look. Estimate $200 - 300.
Canal Zone, Airmail Officials on Legal Size Covers, 1941-48, group of 15 covers; issues include CO2 x3 (one uprated), CO3 x8 (two with pairs), CO4, CO5, CO14 and a CO1+CO4+CO7 combination to Bogota, Columbia, nice array of official corner cards, official handstamps, censor, etc. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $1,000