United States Block Accumulation, in excess of 1,000 plate # blocks, blocks of 4 and larger, mostly modern with a few early issues, majority are n.h. with the balance mint and a few used, includes (all n.h. except as noted) 279B block 6, 279d block 9, 323 block 12, 329 block 10, 405 block 4, 409 block 4, 573 block 4 (used), 698 plate block 4, 705/14 plate blocks 4, 803-33 plate blocks 4, Farleys, National Parks, 1030-52 plate blocks 4, C10 plate block 6, J53 block 4, J64 block 4, J-88 plate block 4 and many more; much duplication on some issues. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $800
Washington-Franklin Issue Accumulation, mint and used accumulation in two volumes with main value in $2-$50 range, modest duplication, slightly mixed condition, most F-VF; Scott cat. value $8,600. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $950
Balance of Consignment with Plate Blocks and Face Value, albums with plate blocks, some good face value including high value like $5 sheet of 20, FDCs, etc., also include UN collection in Scott album complete 1951-89; some condition issues due to poor storage, still good value worth inspection. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,350
United States Balance, variety of material from mixed condition classics from #1 on, airmails with nice first issues, Possessions including */o Hawaii mostly Banknotes issues, useful covers and including cachet flight and naval, and some literature with good early monographs some in duplication; worth a look. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,050

Important Plate Block Collection, 1901-1979, great plate block collection housed in two Harris albums including commemoratives, regular issues, airmails and special delivery, highlights include 294, 295 bottom plates, 296 top plate, 323-25 plate blocks of four, 328-29 plate blocks of six, 367 plate block of 8, 368 bottom plate block of six, 370-71 plate block/6, 372 (2) and 373 plate block/6, 397-98, 401 plate block/6, 537 plate block/6, 548-550 plate blk6, 551-572 plate block/6 plus extra 571, 578-79, 581-91 complete, 595, 611, 612, 614-16, 617-19, 620-21, 622-23 plus extra 622, 658-668, 669-679, 692-701, 704-715, 803-834 complete plus extra 832 o.g., n.h., 832c, 832 top block/12, 833 top row of 20 with shifted vignette, 1054, C1, C2, C3 plate block of 12 with "Top" n.h., C4, C5 n.h., C6, C13 n.h., C18 n.h., E11 bottom plate block/6 n.h., E12, E13 n.h., most fresh and intact, a wonderful collection with high catalog value. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
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Realized: $13,500

Coil Collection Balance, 1908-1970s, medium box filled with mostly mint coils on stock pages and lot cards, many better including 349 paste-up pair, 352 paste-up pair (APS), 353 paste-up (APS), 387 paste-up pair (PFC), 393 paste-up pair (PFC), 394 paste-up pair with plate # (2), 395 paste-up pair (PSE), 396 paste-up pair (2, one w/APS), 413 paste-up pair, 444 pair n.h., 446 paste-up single, 446 paste-up pair (3, one w/PSE), 447 paste-up pair with pl. #, 454 coil line pair, 599b pair with capture part pl. #, etc., high catalog value worthy of close evaluation. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $11,500

Imperforate Coil Collection Balance, small lot including mint and covers, note 344V paste-up pair with plate 5302; 344H paste-up strip of six with plate 9188; 346V paste-up strip of four (3); 347V paste-up pair; 384V paste-up strip of four (2); 344V miscut with 370 on window cover; 383V used on UX19 postal card to Germany; 383V guideline strip of 7 and 493 pair on registered cover; 384V guideline strip of 7 plus 537 on registered cover to Eliot Perry; 409H single with end strip on cover; 409V strip of four along with E8 legal-size cover; etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $725
Coil Line Strips of Four Collection, collection on pages comprising 348, 390, 392, 394, 396, 410, 411, 412, 441, 442, 443, 444, 448, 452 (2), 453, 457, 458, 486, 488, 489, 490, 492 (2), 493, 494 (2mm), 494 (two 3mm), 495, 496, 497, general fresh and Fine-V.F., ex-P.H. Root. Scott No. 348//497; $5,300+ Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,350
United States Used Coil Pair Group, 1908-32, of 30 pairs and a few strips; pairs include Scott #348, 352, 355, 386, 390, 392 (line pair), 393, 396 x2, 410 (line pair), 442, 442, 446, 447 x2, 458 (line pair), also some later 1920's coils, etc.; couple with certificates, all appear to be genuine but better needing to checked, inspection highly recommended. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,300

Mint Sheet Collection, 1917-45, several hundred sheets housed in three large sheet albums; lots of premium sheet cataloging $300+ for singles (even without plate block premium) including Scott #628, 637, 638, 639, 641, 650 x2, 658, 670, 692, 693, 696 (cat $725 for singles), 711, 713, 714, 715 (cat $1,500 for singles), 828 and lots of 2¢ Reds, Parks issues, Overrun Nations, etc., some Airmails including #C8, C10 and #C25-C31 complete set; nice fresh material with some flaws mostly minor to be expected, worth careful evaluation. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,000