1920 2¢ Washington Plate Blocks of Six Group, specialized group of offset type VI plate blocks of six with 30 different plate numbers and positions, all fresh mint with 13 n.h., including plate number 11590 with monogram, owner's Scott $17,775, great for the specialist, Fine-XF. Scott No. 528A Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,100
1920 2¢ Washington Plate Blocks of Six Group, offset type IV plate blocks of six Scott #526, specialized group of 41 different plate numbers and positions all fresh mint, 26 are n.h., owner's Scott $15,300, great lot for the specialist, generally Fine-XF. Scott No. 526 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,700
1920 2¢ Washington Plate Blocks of Six Group, offset type Va plate blocks of six Scott #528, specialized group of 67 different plate numbers and positions all fresh mint n.h., owner's Scott $12,700, great lot for the specialist, generally Fine-XF. Scott No. 528 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,400
1920 2¢ Washington Offset Type Va Specialized Plate Block Group, 97 different plate numbers and positions, all fresh mint, 31 are n.h. plus eight scarce plate numbers n.h., two "monogram" plate blocks, one n.h., and two "CRNTS" plate blocks, both n.h., great specialist lot, owner's Scott $16K+. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
Specialized Definitive Plate Blocks, 1922-31 (Group 2), valuable collection/accumulation of plate blocks of six or four (as issued) identified on black cards with the vast majority being n.h. comprising a variety of plate numbers and positions, n.h. including Scott #552 (6), 553 (5), 554 (5), 555 (2), 559 (3), 561 (4), 563 (7), 564 (3), 565 (3), 566 (3), 567, 568, 569, 571 (2), 575 (3), 577 (6), 581, 582 (2), 583 (5), 584, 586, 590 (3), 591, 622 (8), 623 (4), 631 (2), 638 (10), 639 (10), Kansas 658 (3), 659 (2), 660 (6), 661, 662 (2), 663 (2), 664, 665, 667, 668 (2), Nebraska 670 (4), 671 (25), 674, 692 (12), 693 (4), 694 (7), 696 (14), 698 (11), 699 (5), 700 (4), also o.g. 554 star plate of six, 579 plate block of four plus two extra n.h. singles attached, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590 (3), 591, 623and 631, part of an extensive specialized plate number collection, duplication, owner's Scott $37K, clean, fresh and Fine-XF. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $6,500
Specialized Definitive Plate Blocks, 1922-31 (Group 1), valuable collection/accumulation of plate blocks of six or four (as issued) identified on black cards with the majority being n.h. comprising a variety of plate numbers and positions, better n.h. including Scott #552 (5), 553 (4), 554 (4), 555, 559 (3), 561 (3), 563 (6), 554 (3), 565 (3), 566 (3), 571, 575 (2), 577 (5), 582, 583 (4), 590 (2), 622 (8), 623 (4), 631 (2); Kansas overprints 658 (2), 660 (5), 661, 662, 663 (2), 664, 665, 667, 668, 692 (11), 693 (4), 694 (6), 696 (14), 698 (10), 699 (5), 700 (4), also o.g. 555, 559, 563 (2), 564, 566 (3), 567, 569, 581, 583 (4), 584, 586, 587, 590 (2), 591, 622, 623, 635 and 661, part of an extensive specialized plate number collection, duplication, owner's Scott $25K+, clean, fresh, Fine-XF. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,000
1923 2¢ Harding Memorial Specialized Collection, comprehensive collection of perf 11 plate blocks of six neatly laid out on black stock pages in a binder, the main focus of the collection is Scott #610 with 774 of 831 possible numbers and positions, an astonishing 93% complete collection of these Century old plate blocks, nearly impossible to duplicate today, including 245 n.h. plate blocks featuring the scarce #F15195, also including #611 imperf plate blocks of six (8 n.h. and 3 hinged) 11 of 20 possessing plates and positions of the four regularly issued plate numbers, #612 rotary perf 10 plate blocks of four (one n.h. and one LH), owner's Scott $29,300, some XF, great for the specialist, generally Fine-Very Fine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $3,750
Rotary Coil Waste Star Plate Number Block Collection, 1923, substantial collection of the perf 11x10 plate number blocks including Scott #578 blocks of four (3), blocks of six (6), blocks of eight (2, one n.h.), the larger blocks including 19 n.h. singles valued as such, there are a total of 34 different plate numbers, condition varies, owner's Scott $24,000, great lot for the specialist, generally Fine-Very Fine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,500
Rotary Coil Waste Star Plate Number Singles Collection, 1923, collection of perf 11x10 Scott #578 (14 different) and 579 (131 different) arranged on black stock pages, all mint except for one 2¢ used value with plate number capture, one #578 and 70 #579 are top margin pairs with attached singles counted as such, 66 #579 are n.h., the group represents about 2/3 of all plate numbers for this issue, tough to assemble such a collection, total owner's Scott (as normal stamps) $20,000+, generally fine-very fine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,300
1923-26 1¢-10¢ Plate Number Singles Collection, comprehensive assemblage of 1¢-10¢ perf 10 rotary (Scott #581-91) plate number singles featuring 487 different displayed on black stock pages, nearly all mint with much n.h., only a few used, most of which are Bureau pre-cancels, every plate number of 4¢-10¢ values are represented, owner's Scott as normal singles $5,300+, an extremely difficult collection to assemble, generally Fine-Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $850