Lot 4072 /
Bureau Issue Plate Number Collection, 1895-1906, mint collection of 150 mostly all different plate number singles, strips of three and plate blocks of six arranged on black stock pages in a binder, noteworthy items including plate singles Scott #265 (5 n.h.), 266 (5 n.h.), 267 (79 n.h.), 279Bg (2 n.h.), plate strip of three 266 (2 n.h.), 267 (25), 267a (1 n.h.), 279Bc and 279Bg, plate blocks of six of Scott #300, 301 and 314 (n.h.), also misc. singles, pairs and blocks of four on stock cards #264//279Bc with/266 imprint block of four n.h., 267 blocks of six (2 n.h.) and block of 16 (14 stamps n.h.) and B79Bc singles (2 n.h.), attractive group, owner's Scott $11,400, Fine-Very Fine or better.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,350
Lot 4073 /
Plate Number Singles Collection, 1902-03, 2¢ Washington Shield with 1689 different plate numbers, including singles, pairs and strips on black sock pages in a binder, comprised of Scott #319 (1450), 319F (75) and 319Fi (164), centering ranges from VG to XF, some suitable for grading, gum ranges from n.g. to n.h. and everything in between, the collection was assembled over many decades to achieve completion of the plate numbers for which no premium has been added, an incredibly useful offering, unchecked for watermark and/or paper varieties, owner's Scott $19,392 (as hinged).Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Lot 4074 /
Plate Blocks Collection, 1908-14, neat mostly n.h. collection of 100 items on black stock pages in a binder, including good selection of 1909 2¢ commemoratives with Scott #367 Lincoln n.h. (2), 370 and 371 Alaska-Yukon perf and imperf n.h., 372 and 373 Hudson-Fulton perf and imperf n.h., also Scott #397 1¢ Pan-Pacific plate block of six, stamps n.h., good Washington-Franklins 408 1¢ imperf n.h., 41 different plate number positions, 409 2¢ imperf n.h., 17 different plates and positions, 424 1¢ perf 10 n.h. (4), and 425 2¢ (7), owner's Scott $7,700, Fine-Very Fine or Better.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
Lot 4075 /
Washington Imperf Plate Block Specialized Collection, 1916-17, remarkable collection of 1¢-3¢ Washington flat plate unwatermarked imperf plate blocks of six (Scott #481-84) displayed on white stock pages in a binder, main focus of the collection is 1¢ value with nearly half (75) of the 161 different possible plate numbers, 248 plates and positions in all, also 2¢ Type I (seven different), 3¢ Type I (11 different) and 3¢ Type II (seven different), majority of value is in 118 different n.h. plate blocks, plus 160 hinged, owner's Scott $13,195, Fresh and Fine-XF.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,100
Lot 4076 /
1917-1919 Washington-Franklin Plate Blocks of Six Group, miscellaneous group of 13 different Scott #498//536 with 28 different plate numbers and positions, about half the value in 11 n.h. items including #503, 506, 534 (3), 535 (2) and 536 (2), owner's Scott $4,355, Fine-XF.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $800
Lot 4077 /
1918 1¢ Washington Plate Block of Six Specialized Group, lot of 170 different plate numbers and positions of 1¢ Washington offset plate blocks of six Scott #525, all fresh mint with 79 n.h., great lot for the specialist, owner's Scott $6,680, generally Fine-XF.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $750
Lot 4078 /
Early Commemorative Specialized Plate Block Collection, 1919-25, attractive and valuable group of plate blocks including 1919 Victory (Scott #537), 1920 Pilgrim (548-50), 1924 Huguenot-Walloon (614-16), 1925 Lexington-Concord (617-19), 1925 Norse-American (620-21), featuring a variety of plate numbers and positions including both n.h. and o.g. in varying quantities ranging from 1-25, a substantial assortment of these issues all identified on black stock cards, owner's Scott $30,975, fresh and clean, worth review, Fine-Very Fine.Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,500
Lot 4079 /
1919-21 Rotary Coil Waste Plate Number Blocks Collection, of 150 different plate numbers perf 11x10 arranged on black stock pages comprised of Scott #538 (30), 540 (103), 541 (2) and 543 (15) in varying blocks of four, six or eight and including more than 100 adjacent stamps in the blocks, majority of the value is in 103 plates of Scott #540 with about 1/3 n.h., #538 featuring two top margin imperf blocks (one a star plate block of four and the other a plate block of six), also #543 perf 10 with eight corner plates of four and seven side plates of six, fantastic lot for the specialist, owner's Scott $22,900, condition generally fine to very fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,400
Lot 4080 /
1920 2¢ Washington Offset Type V Plate Blocks Group, an amazing specialized group of 138 different plate numbers and positions, all fresh mint including 90 n.h., owner's Scott $40,300, great lot for the plate number collector, Fine-XF.Scott No. 527 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,000
Lot 4081 /
1920 2¢ Washington Plate Blocks of Six Group, offset type V plate blocks of six Scott #527, specialized group of 41 different plate numbers and positions all fresh mint n.h., owner's Scott $21,000, great lot for the specialist, generally Fine-XF.Scott No. 527 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,200