Lot 4054
Cover Group, medium box of covers including better, highlights include Daniel Webster free frank, #1 from Elmira N.Y., #1 tied by "5" handstamps from Elmira N.Y., #64 on Elmira N.Y. cover (APS cert), #83 on Elmira N.Y. cover (APS cert), #68 (2), 73 from Elmira NY to Peru, #98, 114 registered from Hammondsport N.Y., #114 tied by negative masonic Square & Compass fancy cancel from Painted Post N.Y., "New York & Erie R.R. Company's Express, Bath" black on orange label combo with "United States Express Company" green label cover; #152 on stained Mineral Hill Nev. Wells Fargo cover, #116 on Wilmington Del. tissue paper cover to Germany, some Civil War covers, stampless, etc., mixed condition but plenty of value.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $3,250
Lot 4055
Covers & Cards Collection, 19th and 20th Century collection in seven albums, nice assortment of early used postal cards, some with advertising including "Western Union Telegraph Company," 19th Century definitives and 20th Century airmail and flight covers, generally fine to very fine.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
Lot 4056
Estate Commercial Cover and Postcard Lot, hundreds mostly loose in box, nothing recent, including 1901 Private mailing cards to Montana from 1st National Bank in Minnesota (dupl.), circa 1907 Mass. cards, small group of 1880's Chicago advert., 3¢ Prexie group, little recent, a few classics, stationery, etc., inspect.Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $180
Lot 4057
United States Covers, large carton of covers, many hundreds, perhaps 1000+, including some stampless, 19th century, registered, foreign destinations, auxiliary markings, Airmail and Zeppelin covers, mourning, Christmas seals, etc. Much 20th century, up to and including Prexies, with unusual routes, usages, frankings, Swan Island, WW2 markings, some scarce APO's, censored, patriotics, deceased, airmail, crash covers, small towns, Doanes, and more; much value and needs to be examined, please inspect.Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $1,250