Longley & Co., Portland Express., Rail Road Exchange, Court Square, Boston, red on white die cut circular label, affixed on May 17th 1851 part-folded letter to Boston, Mass., "Three Dollars" money letter endorsement at top, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280
Longley & Co., Portland Express., Rail Road Exchange, Court Square, Boston, black on purple die cut circular label, pin hole, tied by fold crease on folded cover datelined "Portland Oct 12, 1852" to Boston, Mass., manuscript "25" cent express rating, endorsed "Longley" at bottom left, F.-V.F. and scarce, ex-De Windt, Hahn. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350
Longley & Co., Portland Express., Rail Road Exchange, Court Square, Boston, gold on black die-cut circular label, used on May 27th 1850 folded letter from Saco, Maine to Boston, Mass., ms. "25" cent express rating, manuscript "$175" money letter endorsement, F.-V.F. and scarce, ex-Hahn. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter was carried over the Portland, Saco & Portsmouth and Eastern Railroads.
Realized: $350
Forwarded By Lovett's Newburyport and Boston Express, black on green express label, used on orange cover to South Danvers, Mass., endorsed "Malden p Ex Lovet's $" at top right; reduced at right, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120
Merchants Union Express, Buffalo and Syracuse N.Y., two black on orange labels, "Buffalo, N.Y." used on light buff cover with manuscript "Val" and "Paid 2/-" rating for 25¢ express rate to Albany N.Y., blue crayon "$3500" docketing at left; "Syracuse, N.Y." folded over edge of small cover to New York City with pencil "Paid" notation, reduced slightly at right, Very Fine pair. Estimate $200 - 300.
Merchants Union combined with American Express in 1868 to form American Merchants Union Express Company.
Realized: $190
Metropolitan Post Office Baggage and Package Express, large orange rectangular label (105 x 30 mm), affixed on circa 1855 blue folded letter bearing 3¢ dull red (11A) horizontal pair tied by blue grid cancel, matching "Millwood, Va. Jany 25" blue cds with ms. date to the American Bible House, New York City, forwarded by Metropolitan with pink "116 Nassau St., N.Y." address label; file folds through label and right stamp, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
From the Siegel Golden sale, the 1854-55 and 1855-56 New York City directories list William H. Laws as proprietor of the "Post Office" at 13 Bible House, which was located across from the Williams' address on the Metropolitan local post stamps. The 1856-59 directories list Laws at the same address, but the name "Metropolitan Post Office" is used. In 1859, Laws is listed with the business "Books", which suggests the end of his involvement with the post. A trade directory links Williams and Laws in a partnership at 162 Ninth Street. (Reference: Patton book, p. 228, and Perry correspondence).
Mosher illustrates a label used by the Metropolitan Errand & Carrier Express Co. (1855-57) that is different from this label. It does not list or illustrate a label with this wording.
Realized: $2,600
Metropolitan Post Office Baggage and Package Express, large orange rectangular label (105 x 30 mm), affixed on circa 1855 blue folded letter bearing 3¢ dull red (11) canceled by partial Millwood cds to the American Bible House, New York City, forwarded by Metropolitan with white "200, Broadway, New-York" address label tied by blue ms. arrow, reverse with black on orange "Will Collect, Bills with Goods, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Accounts, &c." label as flap seal, split upon opening, Very Fine and rare use. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $3,250
Forwarded by Munro's Express., black on green express label with offices listed, used on blue folded letter datelined "New Bedford, Mar. 3, 1852" to local address, manuscript "Deliver Early, James" endorsement, Very Fine and scarce, ex-Hahn. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300
Forwarded By The National Express Co., black on vermilion express label showing guard dog and safe, used on cover endorsed "By Express" to Mechanicsville N.Y., money letter endorsement "Gar'd to contain $50.00", given to Adams & Co. (wax seals on back), a F.-V.F. and scarce conjunctive use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter was sent by Adams Express via railroad to New York City where turned over to National Express and label applied. Sent by railroad to Mechanicsville, pencil street directive added at left.
National Express was formed in 1855 by a merger of Pullen, Virgil & Co. and some smaller expresses. Pullen, Virgil & Co. had started in the early 1840s as Pullen & Copp, then had become Pullen & Co. National Expresses routes extended from New York City north and east. They served Vermont towns and crossed into Canada, serving Montreal and Quebec.
Realized: $290
New Express Co. and Baltimore & Ohio Express, red on purple express label, used on reverse of 1¢ postal card (UX5) canceled by "Worcester Mass., Mar 27" duplex with leaf cancel to Hartford Conn.; label slightly affected by edge placement, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160