Forwarded By Jerome & Co's Express, fancy framed black on blue-green express label, used on Sept. 10, 1848 gray folded letter from Castine, Me. to Boston Mass. with manuscript "Free" rating, Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260
Forwarded by Kinsley & Co's New-York, Philadelphia & Boston Express., black on orange express label, some staining, used on buff cover to Cornwall Bridge, Conn., red crayon "2/" rating for 25¢ express fee, Fine and scarce orange Kinsley label. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190
R.B. Kinsley's Boston, Fall River & Newport Express, black on vermilion express label, used on legal-size buff entire to Newport R.I., endorsed "King's by Express" at bottom left; cover tear at top and partial back flap, vertical file fold at left, F.-V.F. and scarce. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Forwarded by Lewis' Express from Newark N.J., black on vermilion label with office addresses, some oxidizing, used on gray Feb. 21st 1848 folded letter from Newark to New York City, pencil "1/-" rating for 12½¢ express rating, Very Fine and rare, Hahn notes this as possibly unique., ex-Hahn. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450
Livingston & Co. (Late Harden & Co.) N. York & Philadelphia Express Forwarders, black on vermilion express label, tied by vertical file fold on light blue folded letter datelined "Providence 30th 1846" to Philadelphia Pa., manuscript ".50" express rating; some bleach spotting and wear, Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $400
Livingston & Fargo Express, black on vermilion express label with steamboat vignette, tied by light file fold crease on blue November 27th 1847 folded letter from Milwaukee, Wisc. to New York City, manuscript "Coll" collect and pencil "9/-" rating for $1.12½ express rating, "$188.00" money letter endorsement, fresh and Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270
Livingston & Wells Express, Buffalo, Albany & New York, black on white express label with train vignette, used on folded letter datelined "Buffalo July 10, 1848" to Rochester N.Y., endorsed "$50., by Wells & Co. Express" at bottom left; some edge wear and flaws, F.-V.F., ex-Kramer. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Livingston & Wells' Express, New York, Albany & Buffalo, black on light blue express label, tied by file fold crease on folded letter datelined "New York May 5 th 1845" to Buffalo N.Y.; manuscript "Paid 2/-" prepaid rating for 25¢ express rate, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Livingston & Wells operated in upstate New York-Livingston, Howard & Co. in Pennsylvania.
Realized: $290
Livingston, Wells & Co. of New York, Paris agent, black on blue express label, tied by red "Roma, 29 Ago 48" arrival backstamp on blue folded letter datelined "New York July 22 1848" to Rome, Italy, sent out of mails by Cunard Line Hibernia from Boston Jul. 26th to Liverpool arriving Aug. 6th, then on to Paris where agent forwarded with label, entered mails with Paris (8.20) cds and "34" decimes rating, Genoa circular transit and "Via Di St. Beauvoisin" straightline, manuscript "Rome Postages 4l - .75 / Naples - .15 / 4 - .90" for postage due at Rome; some edge bleaching, F.-V.F. and rare transatlantic express forwarder label. Estimate $500 - 750.
This letter was bagged with other letters to avoid high postage to England during retaliatory rate period.
Realized: $1,150
Livingston, Wells & Pomeroy's Express, black on orange express label, tied by vertical file fold crease on folded letter datelined "Watertown, N.Y. Sept. 23 1844" to New York City, manuscript "Paid 50" express rating, red crayon, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Vermilion label with listing of three offices. Partnership of Livingston, Wells & Pomeroy began in 1844 and lasted until Pomeroy retired in 1845.
Realized: $280