1873, 7¢ orange vermilion, C.B.N.C. printing, used with 2¢ brown (157), tied by target cancels with matching "New Orleans La. Jun 7" cds, red "New York, Jun 12" cds on 1875 folded letter to Bordeaux, France, carried by CGT Ligne H steamer Pereire arriving Le Havre Jun. 20th, blue Brest (6.22) arrival cds; 2c stamp with small corner crease, a Very Fine and colorful use, ex-Noel, Walske. Scott Nos. 160 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

1873, 7¢ orange vermilion, C.B.N.C. printing, used with 12¢ blackish violet (162), s.e., vibrant colors, each tied by encircled grid, matching sharp "Hoboken N.J. Jan 13" cds on circa 1875 legal-size registered cover to Philadelphia Pa.; 12¢ small tear, otherwise Very Fine and scarce combination for three-times the 3¢ letter rate plus 10¢ registry fee; with 1994 P.S.E. certificate. Scott Nos. 160 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

1873, 15¢ yellow orange, C.B.N.C. printing, bright color, canceled by cork duplexed with "Dover, O. Feb 16" cds on cover with pretty purple address to Hon. Jon. A. Bingham, U.S. Minister, Tokio, Japan at the 15¢ treaty rate, "Yokohama, Japan, Nov 1" arrival backstamp; reduced a bit at left and small flap tear, Very Fine; with 1990 P.S.E. certificate. Scott Nos. 163 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

1873, 30¢ gray black, used with 2¢ vermilion (178) horizontal pair, cancelled by cork duplexed "New Bedford, Mass. Feb 23" cds on gray Capt. George W. Allen correspondence cover to Talcahuano, Chile, red "New York '24' Mar 1" credit exchange cds, Valparaiso (3.31.77) arrival backstamp; 2¢ stamp flaws from edge placement, otherwise Very Fine and rare use to Chile at double the 17¢ British Mail rate; with clear 1984 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 165 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375

1883, 2¢ red brown, tied by "Hobocken, N.J., Jan 24" duplex with star barred oval on Bingham correspondence cover to USS Quinnebaug, London, England care of B.F. Stevens, New York "T, 15 Centimes N.Y." duplex for 3¢ due, red crayon "20" adjacent, London "3d" due handstamp, forwarded with purple "Care of the/United States Consul, Funchal, Madeira" three-line handstamp, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 210 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

1890, 5¢ chocolate, in combination with China, Chefoo Local Post, 1894, 1¢ rose red (10) on cover to Yorktown Heights, N.Y., both tied by "U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Dec 15, 94" duplex postmark with 1¢ local additionally tied by "Chefoo Local Post, 7 Dec, 94" cds, second strikes of both on reverse with additional partial Shanghai Local Post cds, transit and receiving postmarks; cover a bit reduced at left, F.-V.F., a rare combination. Scott Nos. 223 Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $525

1893, 15¢ Columbian, deep rich color, tied by well-struck "U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Feb. 24 12M 94" duplex datestamp on registered cover to New York, straightline purple "Registered No." handstamp, reverse with San Francisco (3.20) transit and New York (3.26) arrival backstamps; two trivial toned perfs, Very Fine and attractive use, ex-Tows, Gibson. Scott Nos. 238 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $475

1898, 4¢ rose brown, vertical pair and single, s.e.'s at right, on registered 1¢ Columbian entire to Florence, Italy, tied by "Kings Bridge, Station, N.Y." oval handstamps with "3.18, 1889" registry date stamps on reverse, N.Y. registry etiquette, forwarded to Rome with Italy 20c + 25c definitives tied by Firenze cds's; some perf tone spots on Italy 25c, Very Fine appearance. Scott Nos. 280 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500