Arizona Territory Express Collection, 1870s-1900s, balance of collection including covers, receipts and other collateral, note "Kerens & Griffith, S.P. Stage Line, Wm. M. Griffith" calling card, 1901 Wells Fargo & Co. commission envelope from Globe Arizona office, "Arizona & New Mexico Express Co." fabricated use with original frank, cds and indicia pasted on envelope, United States Telegraph Signal Service envelope to Phoenix Ariz., 1870s Yuma, Ariz. cds use of Wells Fargo franked entire, 1881 Wells Fargo franked 3¢ entire picked up enroute to Vulture A.T., 1883 Phoenix Ariz. cds Wells Fargo franked use, two repaired Florence Ariz. cds Wells Fargo cds use, Tucson A.T. purple Wells Fargo oval use, 1870s Winslow Ariz. docketed 6¢ Wells Fargo franked entire to Lawrence Kans., Pittsburg-Arizona Gold & Cooper Co. Stock Certificate (1905 Cochise County), some faults and repairs. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $1,050

Wells Fargo & Co's Express Arizona Territory Labels, group of 6 different black on orange labels comprising Congress Junction, Hot Springs Jct. (one handstamped, second overinked h.s. with ms. name restatement), Mayer, Tucson affixed on reduced C.O.D. cover but probably not original, and large "Yuma [So. P.R.R.] Rte." label with train illustration; some faults, F.-V.F. group. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $375