Culloma. Alta Cal, '80' Nov 12 (ELD-440), reddish black cds with "80" rating struck in place and matching arc "Paid" handstamp adjacent on orange buff cover to New London Conn.; top edge tear, Very Fine appearance, The only Recorded Culloma 80¢ cds use struck in black. Estimate $300 - 400.
There is also 80¢ integral-cds strike in red dated Apr. 28th 1850 that we offered in Rumsey Sale 37 Lot 3.
Realized: $425
Culloma, Alta Cal., 12 Dec (ELD-410), bold forwarding postmark on blue 1850 folded letter from Virginia with manuscript "Harpers Mills Va, Oct 11" postmark and matching "10" rating, New York bold "40" in circle due handstamp, upon arrival the cover was forwarded to San Jose with magenta manuscript "Fwd 12½" and totaled for 52½¢ due; light aging at edges and faint trace of owner's handstamp at bottom left, Very Fine, a wonderful exhibition item and a very rare black Culloma postmark. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
References: Illustrated in Coburn's Letters of Gold.
Realized: $525
Culloma, Cal. Nov 26 (ELD-450), blue cds with matching "5" rating on 1852 cover to Marysville Cal., blue "Evert Snell & Cos Express, Feaver River" double-oval and pencil "1.00" express fee rating to Brown's Valley Cal.; small edge flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
The Everts Snell & Co. oval without "S" is known used for only 6 months, dating this cover to 1852.
Realized: $525
Coloma, Cal., two stampless uses, first with "Coloma, Cal. Aug 2" cds with matching "Paid" handstamp and ms. "3" rating to Folsom Cal., repaired; second with "Coloma, Cal. Sep 20, 1858" cds with matching bold "Paid 10" in circle rating handstamp to Hon. J.W. Denver, Lecompton, Kansas Territory, reverse with Ashbrook notes, F.-V.F. and scarce pair. Estimate $150 - 200.
This Coloma Cal. cds (ELD-470) with year date was recorded by Williams used Aug. 4th 1858 to August 21st 1860.
Realized: $210
Coloma Express Company Receipts, 1852-58, group of three comprising April 10, 1852 Adams & Co Express bill of exchange with manuscript "Coloma" town designation payable to Hunter & Co. signed by Freeman & Co., some faults and wear; 1856 Pacific Express Co. receipt from San Jose showing Coloma in the printed list of offices, and Dec. 27, 1858 Wells Fargo & Co's Express receipt from Coloma for $1100 package of coins from R.V. Clark to Sacramento, F.-V.F. and scarce group. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160
Coloma Collection, 1852-1900s, collection of over 20 covers mounted on homemade pages starting with #11 pair with blue "Culloma, Cal. Jan 19" ELD-430 cds on cover to Paris Me.; 1852 blue "Culloma, Cal. Mar 27" blue ELD-430 cds and matching "10" handstamped stampless letter to St. Louis Mo.; 1854 "Culloma, Cal. Jul 14" ELD-450 cds legal-size cover to Canton Oh.; "Culloma, Cal. Dec 23" red cds and matching "Paid, 6cts" oval rating handstamp on small embossed lady's cover to Camden Mills Ill.; "Culloma, Cal. May 19" ELD-450 cds use with 10¢ #15 four margin, pen cancel cover to Sandwich Mass.; couoke more 10¢ imperf and perf uses, repaired Waving Flag Civil War patriotic #26 use, "Coloma, Cal, Apr 4" ELD-490 double-circle 3¢ #65 use; the unique "Coloma, Cal." straightline use with 2¢ #213 to Oakland (ex-Tatham), some 20th century covers, etc, F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950