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Sale 101: The Westpex Sale

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France & Area

Lots 472-481 Lots 482-483

Lot 472    

France, 1870 (Oct. 12) Ballon Monté Louis-Blanc, blue folded letter from Passy-Le-Paris to Vitre, Department of Ille & Villaine bearing 20c Empire Lauré (33) tied by "2783" lozenge and "Paris, Passy-Les-Paris, 30 Sept. 70" cds, delayed from the Céleste and carried by Louis-Blanc, reverse with traveling post office "Paris A Rennes, 15 Oct 70" cds and "Vitré (10.16) arrival backstamps, Very Fine; with 2006 Sismondo certificate.
Scott Nos. BM10    $275.

Realized: $190

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Lot 473    

France, 1870 (Oct. 14) Ballon Monté "Godefroy Cavaignac", folded letter from Paris to Amélie les Bains bearing 20c Empire Lauré (33) tied by "212" star cancel, matching "Paris, Bt Beaumarchais, 18 Janv 71" cds, various backstamps including Carcassonne (10.17), Olette (10.19) and Amélie les Bains (10.20) arrival cds, Very Fine.
Scott Nos. BM11    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $200

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Lot 474    

France, 1870 (Nov. 21) Ballon Monté Archimede, blue folded letter from Paris to Bordeaux bearing Bordeaux Issue 20c blue (57) tied by "1" star cancel and "Paris, Pl. de la Bourse, 12 Nov 70" cds, carried by "Archimede" from the Gare d'Orleans to the Belgian frontier, Bordeaux (11.28) arrival backstamp, Very Fine; with 2006 Sismondo certificate.
Scott Nos. BM31    $325.

Realized: $210

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Lot 475    

France, 1870 (Dec. 17) Ballon Monté Parmentier, folded cover from Paris to Saint-Léonard, Unoccupied France bearing 20c Bordeaux (57) tied by numeral "17" star cancel, matching "Paris, R. du Pont-Neuf, 15 Dec 70" cds, St. Leonard (12.28) arrival backstamp; addressee partly obscured, F.-V.F.; with 2009 P.F. certificate.
Scott Nos. BM43    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $160

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Lot 476    

France, 1871 (Jan. 9) Ballon Monté Duquesne, printed Gazette des Absents Issue 24 letter-journal bearing 10c, 20c Bordeaux (54, 57) tied by numeral "347" lozenge cancels, "Paris, Les Batignolles, 8 Janv. 71" cds adjacent and small red "PD" framed handstamp struck twice, Swiss (1.21) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and scarce ballon to Switzerland; with 2019 A.P.S. certificate.
Scott Nos. BM55    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $425

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Lot 477    

France, 1871 (Jan. 11) Ballon Monté Kepler, folded letter from Paris to London, England bearing 10c, 20c Bordeaux (54, 57) tied by star cancels, matching bold "Paris, 10 Janv. 71" cds and blue "PD" handstamp also ties 20c, London (1.14) arrival backstamp, interesting letter reads in part "What must you think of us…That we are dead of hunger or buried in the ruins of our beloved Paris, well not at all…To be perfectly frank, it is true that it is very painful to be separated from one's own and to be scattered this way, unable to receive our customary news; however we must be patient and release will be coming soon…"; small flaws, Fine and interesting ballon letter.
Scott Nos. BM57    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $220

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Lot 478    

France, 1871 (Jan. 20) Ballon Monté Général Bourbaki, folded letter from Paris to Valence, Drome bearing 20c Empire Lauré (33) tied by "4" star cancel, matching "Paris, 18 Janv 71" cds, Valence (2.1) arrival backstamp; red expert mark, some minor gum stains.
Scott Nos. BM63    $350.

Realized: $160

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Lot 479    

France, 1871 (Jan. 28) Nueilly-sur-Seine to London, England, printed Gazette des Absents Issue 30 letter-journal bearing 10c, 20c Empire Lauré (32, 33) tied by numeral "2685" lozenge cancels, "Neuilly-S-Seine, 28 Janv 71" cds adjacent and small "PD" framed handstamp, "Lille A Calais, 11 Fevr 71" transit backstamp, red London Paid (2.15.71) arrival cds; light toning, F.-V.F. and scarce; with 2005 Sismondo certificate.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

This lettre-journal was posted with the intention of it being placed on a ballon monté for transportation beyond the boundaries of the besieged city of Paris. However, later on January 28th, the same date this letter was posted, Paris capitulated to the enemy. The last ballon monté had left Paris on January 28th at 05:45 am. This letter was transported by normal means with the resumption of postal routes in and out of Paris.

Realized: $325

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Lot 480    

France, 1923, 1fr Bordeaux Philatelic Congress, left margin single, o.g., never hinged, rich bright colors, F.-V.F. Yvert Nos. 182.
Scott Nos. 197    $825.

Realized: $230

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Lot 481    

France, 1929, 2fr Le Havre Philatelic Exhibition, o.g., lightly hinged, bright and fresh, F.-V.F.; with 1969 R.P.S.L. certificate. Yvert Nos. 257A.
Scott Nos. 246    $600.

Realized: $170

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Lots 472-481 Lots 482-483

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