Great Britain & Regonial, Machin Issues Collection, collection/accumulation of mostly mint focusing on the Machin issues, housed in four large boxes; with three volume collection in Lighthouse albums starting with early QV issues including used 1840 1d & 2d, later with S.G. 44 mint block of six, mint 1887 Jubilee set complete, 1850-60's QEII definitives including booklets and many watermark varieties, later commemorative completion to the 1980's, comprehensive Machin definitives with a good showing of varieties, coils strips, booklets and booklet panes and a section of plate block with many high values, also Regonials with same, includes a large hoard of special commemorative books, booklets, stationary (some 19th century) and postcards & FDC's from the 1970-90's, silver coin proofs, some literature including the 7th edition of S.G. Specialized Stamp Catalogue (volumes 1-5); lots of material with substantial face value, worth proper evaluation. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,400
Greece, Oldtime Collection, n.h. to o.g. and used formed up to the 1960's on quadrille pages, scattered Hermes Heads and early period mostly used and identified, 1898 Olympics mint or used to 5d, 1927-28 issue on mint or used with some sets both mint and used, also Airs n.h. to o.g. and used, other back-of-book, much F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525
Guatemala, Covers, 1892-1931, 24 covers & stationary, 22 with Arms of Guatemala frankings with a couple four color frankings, includes registered, AR, other multiple frankings, foreign usages to Europe and U.S., etc.; good lot. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
Guatemala, Stock, 19th and 20th Century mint and used stock from a specialist collector on stock pages in four binders, mostly all periods represented, substantial catalog in 19th Century including multiple issues of Scott #1, 2 and 3, also worthwhile back of book, inspection will prove rewarding. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450
Lot 2708
Haiti, Forgery Collection, 1881-1914, specialized collection of approximately 320 items neatly mounted and written up on pages; includes first issue forgeries of Baguet and of Maitier, nice showing of the N. Imperato of Genoa forgeries of the 1893-96 Palm issues, study of the 15 different forgery types of the 1902 overprints with forgeries of Szekula and R. de Thuin, also the bicolor 1904 portrait issue basic & error forgeries attributed to Pasche or Baguet, 1904 Nord-Alexis issue forgery and later overprints, etc.; an excellent collection with a little room for expansion.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,150
Honduras, Collection, 1866-2002, five volume mint collection mounted on Minkus pages in plastic sleeves assembled by a Latin America specialist, solid general collection with many full sets, one album featuring commercial covers including TACA flights, and another album with postal cards, stationery and cut squares, modern issues seemingly all n.h., also some ephemera, maps and philatelic articles, worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $5,250
Hong Kong, Collection, 1862-1998, in well filled Lighthouse hingeless album with slipcase, mostly used to 1940, nearly all mint thereafter, much value in 19th and early 20th Century, used including Scott #1-7, 8-25, extra 25, 29-35, 35A (off card), 50, 51-55, 57, 60 (S.O.N. Shanghai cancel - LSH60), 61-66, 68 (Shanghai cancel - LSH67), 83, 85, 88-106, 107 (Shanghai/BPO S.O.N. cancel - LSH106/SGZ847), 108a, 120-23, 123a, 124, 129-46, 154-68A etc., mint feat. Scott #109-18, 119a, 127, 147-53 n.h., 167-75, 178-224 etc., 1970-1998 virtually mint with many souvenir sheets and some booklets, owner's Scott $16K, attractive and worth review. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $3,000
Hungary, Collection, 1871-1980's, well formed predominately mint collection housed in 12 albums; starting with Josef I first issue mostly used and 2nd issue complete mint, with an additional study of shades and reprints, following 1874-98 Crown issues with the array of perf combinations, similar 1900-16 definitive issue including good mint 2k (Scott 64, cat $600) and 2k perf 15 mint (#82b, act $225), also two 1913 35f in 50f cliche errors in blocks (#96a), virtually complete mint from thereon in regular issues, semi-postal, airmails, dues, etc. lacking only the rarer items, including souvenir sheets many parallel */o, the 1947 Roosevelt souvenir sheets (airmail regular, tete-beche & air & semi-postal bordered), 1950 UPU souvenir sheet, etc., also a nice section of occupationals worth checking; nice quality material throughout with much n.h., inspection highly recommended. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,300
Hungary, Collection Balance, large holding of collections, stocks, cancel study, FDC's, etc., in two large boxes; includes nice collection of Occupationals, postal stationery, cancel study of early 1st-2nd issues, etc.; please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $550
Hungary, Imperforate Issues Collection, 1933-90, identified and arranged on stockpages in three albums; starting with 1933 Stag set x4 in strip and single (cat $600), #CB1-CB1C set ($225), CB1 souvenir sheet ($125), C81 ($600), 1951 1st Stamp souvenir sheets (C95, CB13-C4, cat $550) with additional perf issues ($225), 1953 Stalin sheet (1035, $150), and a host of many other single and sets, many pair sets and some later block sets; fresh n.h. material throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,050