British Commonwealth, "B" Countries Collection, old time 19th and 20th Century mint and used collection to 1940 on well-filled Scott and quad pages identified by Scott number, including Bahamas, Barbados, Bechuanaland, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, British Solomon Islands, Brunei, Burma, plus some A and C countries, many nice KGV and KGVI mint sets present, a group well worth inspecting, owner's Scott $7K+. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $650
British Commonwealth, Stock, housed on stockpages in dozens of stockbooks, mostly more common material with some better and in modest to slightly heavy duplication; including a nice showing of India including mint Ghandi set x5 and 1937 10r pane of 60 (Scott 165, cat $1,260 for hinged), some G.B. with mixed early used including several 1840 1d black singles, Hong Kong with early issues with high values, 1891 2¢ Jubilee used, etc., some good Ceylon including an interesting forgery section with scarce Panelli & Jeffries forgeries, C.G.H. with early triangles, useful Australian States, Newfoundland with early issue forgery section, and many other countries represented; inspection may prove rewarding. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,700
British Commonwealth, Collections, useful to good issues and occasional better housed in three oversized Scott albums; includes British Africa (Madagascar to Sierra Leone) including Mauritius scarce 1859 QV litho issue, good Rhodesia and Sierra Leone with lots of mint, Australia & Dependencies with early Roos including nice 1924 £1 gray (cat $350), and British Asia including some good Malaya States; careful evaluation will prove rewarding. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $950
British Commonwealth, Balance, mix of material in large box; includes early Tasmania and South Australia officials, mint South Africa, British stock, little Canada, etc.; inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450
British Commonwealth, Balance, mix of mint issues; mostly good Canada including classic specimens, and Australia with Roo specimens and useful later material; worth review. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450
British Commonwealth, Group, small selection including a nice run of mint Zanzibar issues, nice Canada four margin #4 used, Newfoundland 3d triangle, G.B. #1-2 used, few other non British, etc. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400
British Commonwealth, Assortment, stockbook with useful selection of G.B., Guyana, St. Vincent, Barbados and others, includes mint Barbados #116-126 including varieties and some revenues (Barefoot £170+). Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160
British Commonwealth, British Postal Agencies and Morocco Agencies Collection, oldtime mint and used collection of few hundred on quadrille pages, few varieties including Levant with SG#1a, 6f, 9c, occasional shade or dupl. mint or used, nice lot for expansion, mostly F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500
British Commonwealth, Fairly Extensive Mint KGVI Collection, n.h. to l.h. in 3 SG albums all identified by SG numbers, on stockpages mostly identified, etc., strength is in the various Gibbons listed shades and perfs, occasional plate flaw, few areas somewhat sparse but better countries including K.U.T. with SG#146 cat. £140, 149 cat. £140, better Sudan with 81-95 cat. £250, Swaziland with all perfs, Ascension with most perfs, Gibraltar with 123a, Hong Kong, India GVI set complete, Gambia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, etc., intact as received, a few QEII sets, excellent collection for expansion, very clean collection, F.-V.F. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,500
British Commonwealth, Mint Better Singles, Sets, Around 100 items of early to mid 20th Century, incl. small mint GVI and QEII mint collection, Hong Kong Yang #260a in pair, Caymans incl. #3-7, 19, 50-63 2 sets o.g., SG#3a, Ascension 10-21, G.B. incl. #1 (2), o.g., some never hinged / some hinged, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $750