Guam, Mint Collection, On Scott pages, complete except #9 (two #8), 13, M1-4, mostly o.g. to part o.g., mostly F.-V.F. Scott $1,710 Estimate $250 - 300.
Realized: $300
Hawaii, Numeral Issue Group, of nine singles including some visibly faulty; with Scott 14 used x2, 16 used, 21 unused & used, 22 unused, 24 unused x2 & 25 unused; owner's Scott cat $16,075, inspection required. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,900
Hawaii, Mint Collection, 1857-1893, on Scott pages, mostly o.g. (few no gum), including some duplicates both mint and used, Officials complete mint, cut squares, mint envelopes, etc., mostly F.-V.F. Estimate $1,000 - 1,400.
Realized: $1,800
Philippines, Collection, 1898-1946, mint issues housed in Palo album; starting with good early issues including Scott #213-222, 224 ($2), 1903-04 issues complete to the $1 with an additional 2¢ (224) with "PLILIPPINES" broken overprint variety, 1906-26 definitives complete lacking only #273, with later issues complete to 1943, good 1944 Victory handstamp overprint issues including #467, 473, 477 with cert & 481, airmails with good Madrid-Manila overprints and later completion, deliveries nearing completion with variety, 1899 dues complete, strong officials and occupationals. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,900
Philippines, Collection, 1899-1946, predominately mint housed in Scott album, starting with 1899 issues complete including both 50¢ values, 1901 issues including #223 & well centered #225 high value, 1903-04 issues mix */o to the $1, following definitive complete to near complete mostly mint, mint completion from 1935 on (except Victory overprints) including additional plate blocks, airmails with Madrid-Manila issues including 2p, good later completion, selection of deliveries with some better, due including J1-J7 mint, officials including a section of handstamp O.B.'s, occupationals, etc.; nice material throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,000
Philippines, Mostly Mint Collection, On Scott pages, mostly o.g., including some duplicates both mint and used, #238 o.g., well centered, scattered Airpost, Dues complete mint, etc., mostly F.-V.F. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $850
Philippines, Revenue Document Group, of 20 documents; includes 1935 Motor Car Warranty, 1946-47 coastwise clearance (2), 1947 special permit, 1946 tax clearance certificate, 1937 weight & measures license, various insurance documents (6), 1890 protest document for failure to pay bill of exchange, military document with Spain revenue issued in Manila July 21, 1894, also 2 sheets of mint custom stamps from the Republic period; an interesting and eclectic group. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $350
Philippines, Revenue Related Balance, of 16 documents, 8 cigarette wrappers, 17 tax exempt tobacco stamps & a used block of 77 2¢ red Aguinaldo stamps with KKK initials; documents include 1905-06 Cedula Personal tax registration (2), 1934 Compania De Seguros, Postal Savings Bank deposit slips, 1936 Privilege Tax Receipt, etc.; worth review. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $140
Philippines, 1898-99 Revolutionary Government Issues, small collection including Y1 used, Y2 used single and block of four, Y2 mint blocks of four and of ten, YF1 top selvage block of six and block of four, YP1 block of 18 and YP1a imperf block of 18, sheet of Telegrafos blue stamps and Recibos 10c brown stamps; interesting group. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220
Puerto Rico, Collection, on album pages; includes complete regular & due issues mint, complete 1901 revenue specimen set (cat $360) and a selection of rectified spirits issues mostly used with later completion, some additional material, etc. Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $475