Local & Carrier Issue Balance, on album stockpages; mix of material including Pony Express issues with used $1 & $2 issues, newspaper stamp issues including Publisher's stamp sheet, Bicycle Mail Route including three retouch die sheets and several envelope entires, mix of other locals, fakes and bogus items; worth a look. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $2,400
Lot 2483
Local & Carrier Forgery Accumulation, of approximately 700 items in stockbook; mostly local issues including some bogus and reprints, nice showing of various companies including Boyd's, Bouton, Cheever & Towle, Floyd's, Blood's, Carnes, Browne, Bronson & Forbes, Cornwell, City Desptach, East River, etc., some scarcer and seldom seen items including U. States Letter Express bogus in red, some Taylor Canadian locals and some genuine dotted throughout; some modest duplication.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,400
Lot 2484
Local & Carrier Forgery Accumulation, of over 400 stamps arranged in stockbook; mostly in the more common forgeries but does including scarcer items including Berford & Co. Express types, Swart's in scarcer colors and some of the scarce bogus issues present, includes some multiples and genuine remainder items, some modern photo reproductions dotted throughout; inspect.Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $625
Newspaper Stamps Collection, well formed collection housed on album pages; starting with PR1-PR7 with additional PR4, PR5 pair (separations) and PR6, 1875 Continental issues complete to the $9 mostly mint (top two values faulty), few 1875 Special Printings, 1879 A.B.N.Co. issues lacking only 36¢ for mint completion, following 1885 American issues complete mostly mint, few of the 1894 & 1895 low values present, etc., includes an additional stock of mostly mint issues, couple plate number strips, section of proofs and 20 specimens, PR57 x3 on document with one showing cracked plate variety, etc.; condition varies with some n.g. issues throughout. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $6,500

Lot 2486 o
Newspaper Stamp Balance, used group of 11 comprising PR14, PR117 vertical strip of three with "H" in Circle cancels, PR119 with St. Louis oval, PR119 with Ohio town cancel, PR120, PR123 (3) with cork cancels and "L" in Circle, and PR124, three with PSE certificates; few faults, overall Very Fine appearing group.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

Newspaper Collection Balance, 1865-1899, valuable collection balance of mint and used on Scott pages including PR1-PR3, PR4, PR5-PR7, PR8 corner margin single, PR9-PR17, PR20-PR21, PR23-24, PR26, PR57-PR63, PR71, PR74, PR76-77, PR81-85, PR87, PR89, PR102-03, PR114-PR125, many handstamp cancels, nice collection, high catalog value. Scott Nos. PR1//PR125 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $3,250
Booklet Collection, housed in three Lighthouse albums; starting with booklet panes including better early with #279Bj, 300b, 301c n.h., 319g x3, 319n, 319p, 319Fq, 331a, 332a, etc., later issues including plate number panes, shift & shifted perf errors, much modern material, etc., also two album with a host of intact booklets including airmails, etc.; nice fresh material throughout. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,000
Better Cut Square Collection, 1853-1969, mostly mint collection hinged on Scott National pages, many earlier Nesbitts used and scattered later, better starting with used U1-2, U4, U7-8, U11 mint, U12 used, U19-W21, U28-29 full corners, U33 corner appears unused, U36, U39, U41-U45 mint incl. U44 full corner, U46, U50-U73 complete except W56, U74-U107 complete incl better full corners, U146, U149, U186, U195-197, U198-99, U201, U207-10U211-12, U214-17, U224 fc, U249 used, U342-47, includes Surcharges, Airmails and some better Officials, UO6, UO15-16, UO18, UO23, UO26, UO28, UO30, UO32, WO33, UO38, UO40-43, UO59, UO61, UO67, a wonderful clean collection with many better cut squares and full corners. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,000
Postal Stationery Cut Square Collection, 1853-1947, attractive collection on old Scott American pages, used highlights including Scott #U6, U7, U11 (uprated with #10), U13, U33, U196, U271 etc., better mint including Scott #U28, U29, U42, U51, U66-68, U99-101, U104, U201-05, U207-11, U224 and others, also a fresh mint U436g error entire, owner's Scott cat. $11K, generally very fine, great lot for the specialist. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
United States Cut Square Collection, 1853-2002, housed on speciality pages in two binders; starting mostly used early issues with the better issues in mixed condition, later post 1870's mixed */o with up to slightly better in very fine condition, including some good 1887 2¢ Plimpton issues, useful later surcharges, some good Post Office Dept issues and Officials; owner's 2020 Scott catalog value $8,028, worth review. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950