1929 Round-the-World Flight Group, three cards & six covers; the three cards and three of the covers were flown Los Angeles to Lakehurst, one card franked with six 5¢ coils (496) including a line pair, and one of the covers has a Toaspern Zeppelin cachet, two covers are Los Angeles - Friedrichshafen signed by Dr. Hugo Eckener, and an oversize Lakehurst - Friedrichshafen cover with franking of 17 stamps - 11 different including six different "2¢ Reds" - postmarked Black River Falls, Wis., Aug 5, etc. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $500
Airmail Foreign Incoming and Destination Covers, 1924-26, small group of five covers; includes registered cover to Bogota with U.S. franking and Columbia 20c "EU" & "R" overprint issue (CFLEU3), Manila P.I.-New York flight on War Dept cover with Phillippines-U.S. frankings, Rarotonga to Reading, Pa. franked with Rarotonga issues and U.S. 2nd issue airmail issues (C4-C5), Detroit-New York first flight cover to Czechoslovakia, and Milwaukee-New York flight to London, England. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $210
Special Delivery Covers, 1890s-1970s, interesting group of about 90 covers with a range of frankings and usages including airmail, foreign destinations, registered mail, etc., worth a closer look. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $290
United States Carriers & Locals Cover Balance, approximately 35 covers on dealer cards; carrier usages including eight 1¢+3¢ 1857 & 1861 issue usages, several 1¢ local usages, #6LB11 use, etc., locals with Blood's, Hale & Kenyon stampless, stamps including selection of Boyd's, Pomoroy 117L1 use, unusual Richwood usage on 5¢ Grant lettersheet, etc.; condition mixed, inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,200
Official Cover Accumulation, approximately couple hundred covers in two binders; wide mix of material from early stampless to fairly modern with many legal size, various departmental corner card covers with many uprated penalties, includes 1941 service suspended cover to Malaya, Guatemala embassy wrapper with custom service label, a 1895 Hawaii "On Hawaiian Government Service" imprint cover, state imprint covers including 1870's Utah Territory, Executive Office corner card use, etc. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375
Local & Carrier Cover Balance, of 12 covers; includes stampless Broadway (2 types), City Despatch Post, Strait's and American Mail, Boyd's on Wells, Fargo & Co. frank entire from S.F., few stamp usages including #3LB2 and 136L10; condition is mixed, inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425