Canal Zone, 1904, 8¢ on 50c bister brown, o.g., lightly hinged, bright and fresh, attractive margins and centering, Very Fine, very scarce with only 435 issued; with photocopy of 1972 P.F. certificate for pair. Scott Nos. 15 $2,000.
Realized: $1,300

Canal Zone, 1912, 2c vermilion & black, inverted center, overprint reading down, o.g., bold colors, bright and fresh, F.-V.F.; with 2005 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 39e $600.
Realized: $230

Canal Zone, 1915, 5c deep blue & black, top margin single with part imprint, o.g., never hinged, choice centering amid wide margins, Post Office fresh, Very Fine and choice; with photocopy of 1997 P.F. certificate for block. Scott Nos. 48 $425 for hinged.
Realized: $525

2296 S
Canal Zone, 1924, 1c-1b complete, including the unissued denominations, each with security punch hole, o.g., never hinged, rich colors, a Very Fine set, scarce with only 300 of each issued; each with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 69S vars. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

Canal Zone, 1926, 5¢ dark blue, sharp "A", "CANAL" inverted, right stamp in horizontal pair with normal, slightly disturbed o.g., straight edge as always, Fine and scarce. Scott Nos. 86b $950.
Realized: $260

Canal Zone, Airmail, 1951, 31¢ Globe & Wing, imperf vertically, horizontal pair, o.g., very lightly hinged, rich color and fresh free from the usual staining and creasing often associated with this issue, Very Fine, one of the finer examples of this perforation error. Scott Nos. C25a $1,250.
Realized: $525

Canal Zone, Airmail, 1951, 31¢ Globe & Wing, imperf vertically, horizontal pair, o.g., never hinged (light gum creases), bright and fresh, Fine, with only 98 pairs recorded (many of which are soiled or creased). Scott Nos. C25a $1,250.
Realized: $350

Lot 2300 o
Canal Zone, Airmail Officials, 1941, 5¢-40¢ complete, type II, usual Balboa Heights roller cancels (30c with unusual double strike), rich colors, a Very Fine set.Scott Nos. CO8-CO12 $800.
Realized: $550

Canal Zone, Airmail Official, 1941, 10¢ orange, type II, natural s.e. at top, tied by "Balboa, C.Z., Jul 30, 1942" duplex postmark on M.O.B. official business penalty cover to San Jose, Costa Rica, Very Fine, a scarce usage. Scott Nos. CO9; $400 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

Lot 2302 o
Canal Zone, Official, 1941, 50¢ rose lilac, type Ia, usual Balboa Heights roller cancel, rich bright color, F.-V.F.; with 2013 Sismondo certificate.Scott Nos. O8 $550.
Realized: $290