Great Britain, 1929, £1 P.U.C., o.g., lightly hinged, bold color, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 209. SG Nos. 438 £750 ($890).
Realized: $270

Lot 181 o
Great Britain, 1929, £1 P.U.C., light town cancel, beautifully centered, rich vibrant color, Extremely Fine and choice, an exceptional used P.U.C. £1 issue. Scott Nos. 209.SG Nos. 438 £550 ($650).
Realized: $250

Great Britain, 1934, King George V re-engraved "Seahorses", 2s6d to 10s complete, o.g., neatly hinged once, nice overall centering, rich vibrant colors, a Very Fine set. Scott Nos. 222-224. SG Nos. 450/2 £605 ($720).
Realized: $160


Great Britain, 1936, King Edward VIII, ½d to 2½d complete, top half sheets of 120, o.g., never hinged, all fresh and nicely centered, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 230-233. SG Nos. 457/60 £150 for singles ($180).
Realized: $90

Great Britain, 1936, King Edward VIII, ½d to 2½d complete, on two matching cachet covers; ½d, 1½d & 2d on one tied by "Edinburgh, 1 Sep, 1936" machine postmark, 1d on other tied by "Edinburgh, 14 Sep, 1936" machine postmark, similar local address, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 230-233. SG Nos. 457/60 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $210


Great Britain, 1939-48, King George VI "Square" high values, 2s6d to £1 complete, blocks of 4 (mostly marginal), o.g., never hinged, rich colors, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 249-251A, 275. SG Nos. 476/8c £1,860 for singles ($2,210).
Realized: $725

Great Britain, 1939-48, King George VI "Square" high values, 2s6d to £1 complete, 2 sets of singles, o.g., never hinged, rich colors, both Very Fine. Scott Nos. 249-251A, 275. SG Nos. 476/8c £930 ($1,110).
Realized: $325


Great Britain, 1948, £1 King George VI Silver Wedding, complete sheet of 20, o.g., never hinged, bold color, Post Office fresh and pristine, Very Fine and choice. Scott Nos. 268. SG Nos. 494 £800 for singles ($950).
Realized: $750


Great Britain, 1951, King George VI "Festival" high values, 2s6d to £1 complete, top right corner margin blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, fresh and pristine, Very Fine and choice. Scott Nos. 286-289. SG Nos. 509/12 £440 ($520).
Realized: $230

189 S
Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1882, Queen Victoria, ½d deep green, "Specimen" overprint in black (type 9), bottom margin single, o.g., never hinged, rich color, bright and fresh, selvage with horizontal crease and light inked printer's fingerprint, Fine, ex-Besançon. S.G. Spec. Nos. L1s. SG Nos. O1s £325 for hinged ($390).
Realized: $100