138 S
Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1888, Queen Victoria, ½d deep brownish vermilion, black "Specimen" overprint, type 9, o.g., never hinged, fresh with rich color, Very Fine; with 2013 Hendon certificate for block. Scott Nos. O11S var. SG Nos. O13s var. S.G. Spec. Nos. L12s var. £120 for hinged normal shade ($140).
Realized: $80

Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1888, Queen Victoria, ½d vermilion, bottom right corner margin block of 4 with "Q" control letter, o.g., top left lightly hinged, others never hinged, rich color, bright and fresh, light crease in corner part of selvage, Very Fine. Scott Nos. O11. SG Nos. O13. S.G. Spec. Nos. L12 £410 for hinged ($490).
Realized: $160

Lot 140 o
Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1889, Queen Victoria, 1s dull green, socked-on-the-nose Plymouth town cancel, well centered amid wide margins, strong color, Extremely Fine, very scarce so nice in used condition. Scott Nos. O12. SG Nos. O15.S.G. Spec. Nos. L16 £375 ($450).
Realized: $200

Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1889, Queen Victoria, 1s dull green, tied on piece with Inland Revenue Official, 1882, Queen Victoria, 1d lilac, block of four (L3) by Manchester registered oval date stamp cancels, Very Fine. Scott Nos. O12, O4. SG Nos. O15, O3 £399 for singles ($480). S.G. Spec. Nos. L16 £399 for singles ($480).
Realized: $140

Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1901, Queen Victoria, ½d blue green, block of 8 with bottom gutter margin, o.g., top pair h.r., others never hinged, rich color, Very Fine, a scarce multiple. Scott Nos. O16. SG Nos. O17. S.G. Spec. Nos. L13 £160 for hinged singles ($190).
Realized: $100

Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1901, Queen Victoria, 6d purple on rose red, o.g., never hinged, rich deep color on bright fresh paper, exceptional centering and margins, an Extremely Fine gem, a wonderful never hinged Official issue; with 2018 K. Ceremuga certificate. Scott Nos. O17. SG Nos. O18. S.G. Spec. Nos. L15 £625 for hinged ($740).
Realized: $375

Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1901, Queen Victoria, 6d purple on rose red, o.g., never hinged, rich color, bright and fresh, Very Fine. Scott Nos. O17. SG Nos. O18. S.G. Spec. Nos. L15 £625 for hinged ($740).
Realized: $250

Great Britain, Inland Revenue Official, 1901, Queen Victoria, 6d purple on rose red, bottom margin single, tied on piece by 1893 Lincoln registered oval date stamp cancel, strong color, Very Fine. Scott Nos. O17. SG Nos. O18. S.G. Spec. Nos. L15 £150 ($180).
Realized: $40

Great Britain, Army Official, 1896, Queen Victoria, ½d vermilion, bottom right corner margin block of 4 with "P" control number, o.g., hinge remnant at top, never hinged at bottom, rich color, couple creases in upper right margin, Very Fine, ex-Besançon. Scott Nos. O54. SG Nos. O41. S.G. Spec. Nos. L36 £255 for hinged ($300).
Realized: $90

Great Britain, Army Official, 1896, Queen Victoria, ½d vermilion, "OFFICIAI" error (R. 13/7), o.g., lightly hinged, rich brilliant color, Very Fine. Scott Nos. O54a. SG Nos. O41a. S.G. Spec. Nos. L36c £300 ($360).
Realized: $110