1870, 1¢ ultramarine, N.B.N.C. printing, top margin horizontal imprint strip of 4, o.g., strong bright color, right stamp with few short perfs and perf stain at bottom, Fine. Scott Nos. 145 $2,600 for singles.
Realized: $450

1870, 2¢ red brown, N.B.N.C. printing, slightly brownish o.g., strong bright color, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 146 $325.
Realized: $260

1870, 6¢ carmine, N.B.N.C. printing, o.g., rich vibrant color, well centered, short perf at top not mention on certificate, otherwise Very Fine; with 1994 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 148 $900.
Realized: $425

1870, 15¢ bright orange, N.B.N.C. printing, block of 4, disturbed o.g., rich bright color, reinforced perfs, bottom right stamp with crease and tiny tear, otherwise Fine, an extremely rare multiple with only a few known; with 2000 A.P.S. certificate. Scott Nos. 152 $17,500.
Realized: $1,600

Lot 1586 o
1870, 24¢ purple, N.B.N.C. printing, face free segmented geometric cancel, wide margins, strong bright color, Very Fine and attractive; with 1981 & 2019 P.F. certificates, the latter Graded (VF 80).Scott Nos. 153 $210.
Realized: $140

Lot 1587 o
1870, 90¢ carmine, N.B.N.C. printing, light segmented cork cancel, bright color, attractive centering and margins, Very Fine and choice.Scott Nos. 155 $325.
Realized: $210