1861, 1¢ blue, type I, position 29L12, o.g., centered right, strong color, Fine, a rare mint example, ex-Celler; with 2022 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 18 $2,100.
Realized: $425

Lot 1415 o
1861, 1¢ blue, type I, light cork cancel, choice centering amid wide margins, strong bright color and a crisp detailed impression, Very Fine and choice, a lovely used stamp; with 2004 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 18 $500.
Realized: $550

Lot 1416 o
1861, 1¢ blue, type I, plate 12, nicely centered, bright color, neat "New York, Aug 3" cds, Very Fine, ex-Celler.Scott Nos. 18 $475.
Realized: $250

Lot 1417 o
1861, 1¢ blue, type I, cracked plate variety, Pos. 91R12, nicely centered, strong impression, reperfed at right, Extremely Fine and scarce, ex-Celler; with 2022 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 18 var. $725.
Realized: $240

Lot 1418 o
1861, 1¢ blue, types II-I-I, rejoined vertical strip of three, positions 80L12-90L12-100L12, huge wide margins with straddle line s.e. at right and portions of adjacent stamps, neatly canceled by three strikes of circular grid cancel, small usual perf flaws, otherwise Very Fine and scarce plate 12 positional piece, ex-Celler.Scott Nos. 20-18-18 $1,275 as singles.
Realized: $350

Lot 1419 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type Ia, Position 92L4, well centered with wide margins, rich color and strong impression, light Ohio town cds; perfs slightly scissor trimmed at right, Very Fine, ex-Celler; with 2022 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 19 $9,000.
Realized: $6,000

Lot 1420 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type Ic, "E" relief, Pos. 82R4, nicely centered, strong color with a sharp detailed impression, neat town cds cancel, pulled perf at top causing thin, hint of stain at right, Fine appearance and scarce example of this sub-type, ex-Celler; with 1985 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 19b $2,500.
Realized: $525

1857, 1¢ blue, type II, major double transfer, Position 74R12, o.g., bright color, fresh and Fine, ex-Washal, Celler; with 1978 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 20 var. $1,050 as normal.
This position is mentioned in the Neinken book on page 492: "I doubt if any other stamp from any of the other eleven plates shows any better example of a doubled top line as 74R12 exhibits".
Realized: $675

Lot 1422 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type II, large cracked plate variety, Pos. 12L2, 13L2, 23L2 & 33L2, used partial reconstruction of the major plate crack lacking only pos. 2L2, each with rich color, 12L2 is tied by Alexandria Va. cds on piece; couple small flaws, F.-V.F. and scarce group, ex-Celler.Scott No. 20 $4,800.
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Realized: $1,300

Lot 1423 o
1857, 1¢ blue, type II, major cracked plate variety, Pos. 13L2, exceptionally well centered within balanced margins, rich color with sharp impression, canceled by partial town cds; tiny perf hole tear at top, Extremely Fine appearance, ex-Celler; with 2022 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 20 var. $1,400.
Realized: $375